Anna Diehl #fundie

We cannot possibly argue that God doesn’t do evil when He does things which He defines as wrong. God does do evil, yet because He is the One doing it, He relabels evil as good. This is because He judges His own work by His own motivations and by the final outcome. Even though molestation is evil, God considers it good that He arranged for you to be molested because He understands why He did it. Everything God does to you is intended to strengthen your relationship with Him. A strong relationship with God is the best possible thing for your soul, therefore anything God does to draw you closer to Himself is good. It is excellent, in fact. Having you molested was not an indifferent, cruel act on God’s part, because God loves you and He did this to you in order to help you in significant spiritual ways.

How does it spiritually benefit you to be molested? By breaking you out of the delusion that God has nothing to do with the pain in your life. By forcing you to see His hand at work in the worst moments of your life. Do you want to feel more secure in your relationship with God? This is how you get there: not by pretending He is absent when you really need Him, but by realizing that He NEVER looks away from you even for one second of time. Do you want stronger trust? This is how you get there: by seeing that ALL pain, suffering and trauma are brought into your life in the hands of your loving Father.



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