why would God put the barriers of skin color up if they don't matter.. there is a reason for different skin color obviously or we would all be white, or black.. there are certain barriers.. i personally believe what i posted. that certain descendants are allowed to intermarry and certain ones are not.. [...]
People is people. If I was meant to be with a lily white God botherer, I wouldn't find them so darn repulsive.
Personally, I favour this quote by the topic starter "I have always kind of thought they were wrong, but I really didn't have any Bible to back me up". Isn't that what's meant to be wrong with atheists? That we don't derive our morality from the Bible, instead thinking up wacky personal codes and then backing them up with falsehoods such as evolution?
So, some are allowed to intermarry and some not, where is the intermarriage then?, are black men allowed to intermarry other white or Asian women, what do you mean?. Second, God put colours BECAUSE THEY PROVIDED US WITH FORMS OF ADAPTING TO THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT. Has it given a reason to your sick mind?.
"why would God put the barriers of skin color up if they don't matter"
Why do you call them barriers? They are only barriers if you cause them to be barriers.
"certain descendants are allowed to intermarry and certain ones are not"
And, somehow, you have determined that interracial marriage is not allowed? "God's" OK with the 2 dumbest people in the world marrying and having children, but not 2 people of different races marrying? What a stupid plan.
"why would God put the barriers of eye color up if they don't matter.. there is a reason for different eye color obviously or we would all be blue-eyed, or brown-eyed.. there are certain barriers.. i personally believe what i posted. that certain descendants are allowed to intermarry and certain ones are not.. [...]"
"Color barriers "?!?
Good grief, I haven't heard that phrase in ages -- and the last time I encountered it was in reference to a black person "breaking the color barrier" of getting into a previously all-white profession, so that was a slightly different use of the term than that implied here, as was appropriate to the civil rights situation already improving from the previously more oppressive period.
What kind of 21st-century teenager expresses thoughts that have been out of vogue (and shown, in fact, to be horribly racist) for more than half a century? This attitude is just heartbreakingly sad for what it says about this poster's brainwashed upbringing.
~David D.G.
After the fact: crap, one of the teens-4-christ themselves beat me to this one.
Though it's always nice to see Bro. Randy and Mrs. Debbie bringing the argument back into the stone age, [/sarcasm] I'm pleasantly surprised to see so many of these kids disagreeing with them on this point.
<<I dunno, I'm white, and my skin is darker than most Africans. How do you explain that?>>
I've wondered about weird stuff like that myself. I once knew a gal who had two dark-haired parents but she herself was blond. Some of my half-siblings are, in fact, lighter skined than I am even though their mother was quite clearly darker than my own. (All things being equal with our father, obviously.)
I have a completely unsubstantiated theory, but here it goes. A while back some geneticists discovered a certian mechanism in a simple species of plant. (The name of which escapes me for the moment.) The botanists noticed that when they took two of these plants with the same genetic defect, about one out of every 50 offsping would turn out to be completely healthy even though it shouldn't be possible if both parents have the defect. After investigation, the discovered that these plants keep "back-up" copies of their ancestor's genome from as far back as three generations. In other words, not only where they carriying their own unique DNA, they also had copies of their parents, grandparents, and even GREAT grandparents genetic code. So if, during development, a defect occures, the plant could take a back-up copy of a healthy genetic sequence from, say, two generations back and use it to correct the error in its own genetic code.
How does this relate to my theory? It is hypothesized that many organisms, including humans, may possess this exact same mechanism. And on top of fixing genetic defects, it would also be an excellent tool for making it harder to wipe out positive traits entirely. My mother may be very white, but she also had native-American and even Black-hispanic ancestors. What if I had gotten some skin tone qualities from them and not my mother herself? Meanwhile perhaps the exact opposite was true for my half-siblings. Mind you, I'm not a biologist or a geneticist or anything like that so what I've just floated by may be total bullshit, but I found the idea facinating nevertheless. =o
Skin tone had a lot to do with regulation of vitamin D. We did not have fortified milk in the old days so those of us from the north needed lighter skin to process the sunlight better. That said, fuck you, you racist cunt.
Yes, there are reasons for different skin colors, but it has to do with adapting to live in different parts of the world. It has nothing to do with what you think your god wants. It isn't a barrier of any kind. We're all human, period. There's no reason in the world that two people shouldn't be allowed to marry just because they have different skin colors. You might want to join us in this century, okay?
If you haven't, read the whole thread. It's a beauty. Pay attention to how post #42 (proving them wrong) gets completely overlooked =)
Also, very nicely invoked GodSaySo in #8 and #39, and conclusion in #9
Wow. Stupid, just.....stupid. Being a mutt, I find this hilarious. So what you are saying is all of Latin America is a biological abomination because it is populated by a majority of Mestizos (and even black and white mixes and such in there, fucktard). You are a moron and you should do society and Mankind a favor by euthanizing yourself so you won't spawn.
This should be a textbook example of what's wrong with humanity. Tiffanyonethreeeight takes a superficial difference and uses religion to declare it a cavernous divide.
Tiff, skin color is only a barrier if you make it a barrier. If you accept it for what it is, a superficial difference that is a result of adaptation to ancestral climate, then there's no need to worry about it. If you declare that God made it as an impassable barrier, then you will make it an impassable barrier.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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