Easy. Hate the gays the most, because they’re degenerates. Hate the Muslim terrorist second most, because while he did kill Americans, the majority were non-white and all of them were fags. Finally, keep supporting gun rights completely, because the second amendment guards all the others.
There, that wasn’t so difficult, now was it?
*scrolls down*
*sees picture*
Meh, unfunny political satire, but hardly FSTDT mate-
*reaches the post proper*
Also, can we please get a transcription of that picture, on the off-chance the original host will delete it?
Well, in the San Bernardino killings, the Muslims shot disabled people and at least one gay (possibly Jewish) guy, who gave his life protecting 4 people, including a White woman. You're gonna need a flow chart, but I'm sure the Donald will help you prioritize your hate soon enough.
Basically. I'd agree with this when a gay guy shoots up a mosque.
I think Trump would hate Muslims the most too, but since the Republican Party including our beloved VP Mike Pence are known for their hatred of gays, I think the solution is, if you're right wing, is to praise the terrorist for killing degenerates and leave it at that, since Jebus works in mysterious ways.
It was such a good conundrum for the right, though.
@ Stormfront Boy
Of course, hating individuals who murder and rape for fun, whatever their beliefs, is too hard for you.
There. That is so difficult, isn't it?
Some on 4chan's /pol/ don't think so. He's already been declared a race traitor for appointing someone from Goldman Sachs.
Donald Fart hasn't even been sworn in yet. And it's already unravelling for him.
How many more realise they've been suckered...?!
"There, that wasn’t so difficult, now was it? "
But what if gays and muslims shoot white people with their second amendment guns while guarding all the others?
That's difficult isn't it?
So looking at this person, they're one of those people who thinks gay = pedophile, with links to supposed research that supports the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest kids...
But... I have one question.
Is that 'research' based on the false classification of pedophiles who molest children of the same sex as 'homosexuals'? Because I really really suspect it is.
A man who molests boys is not gay. He is a pederast. Gay men are attracted to MEN. Not boys.
Easy. Hate the gays the most, because they’re degenerates. Hate the Muslim terrorist second most, because while he did kill Americans, the majority were non-white and all of them were fags. Finally, keep supporting gun rights completely, because the second amendment guards all the others.
There, that wasn’t so difficult, now was it?
Easier: hate all murdering scumbags, let Muslims pray in their places of worship, gays live in their house and keep guns away from kooks, madmen and criminals.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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