Jesse Powell #fundie
Regarding MRAs vs. TWRAs; these ideologies are oppositional to each other. Indeed a large part of the TWRA identity is based on opposition to MRAs. A Men’s Rights Activist is focused on “men’s rights;” namely they are the male version of feminists. Just like feminists focus on “women’s rights” MRAs focus on “men’s rights.” Feminism and MRAs are counterparts of each other; feminism representing female narcissism and female supremacy and MRAs representing male narcissism and male supremacy. Both MRAs and feminists are egalitarian and claim to promote “equality” between the sexes. TWRAs are specifically against equality and anti-egalitarian. MRAs are derivative of feminism and are therefore a variation of feminism and are naturally aligned with feminists; TWRAs are opposed to both feminists and MRAs because it is equality itself that TWRAs are opposed to.
TWRAs are Traditional Women’s Rights Activists; the focus being on restoring the rights of the traditional woman. Feminists are in favor of women’s rights, MRAs are in favor of men’s rights, TWRAs are in favor of Traditional Women’s Rights; the key point being the rights of women that are connected to women’s traditional role. The problem with the concept of “rights” as conceptualized by both feminists and MRAs is that the “rights” these groups assert are disconnected from responsibilities. Feminists and MRAs seek rights and privileges while at the same time denying their responsibilities and duties towards others; this is what makes both feminists and MRAs gender supremacists of their respective gender and narcissists who place themselves above others. TWRAs however only assert the rights that women are naturally entitled to based on and connected to women’s natural role in society. This is what makes the TWRA position honorable and noble; that there is a connection between the rights being demanded and the obligations towards others those rights are meant to serve.
TWRAs place a strong emphasis on the male duty of Chivalry and in particular insist that Chivalry is unconditionally owed to all women under all circumstances by all men. If you know anything about MRAs you know that MRAs hate Chivalry and all duties that men owe towards women. When pressed an MRA will often concede that Chivalry is a good thing but then they insist that Chivalry is a contract and only honorable women should receive Chivalry. This is totally not true; Chivalry is an unconditional obligation that men owe to women simply based on the man’s gender role. Many MRAs will claim that they support patriarchy while at the same time rejecting Chivalry. This is completely outrageous because Chivalry is a fundamental part of patriarchy. The TWRA demand that men owe women Chivalry unconditionally is a key part of the TWRA philosophy; this demand serves to keep manipulative MRAs out of our movement. MRAs want the privileges of the traditional man while rejecting the duties and obligations of the traditional man. This is intolerable; before a man can join the TWRAs he must first demonstrate his respect for women by acknowledging the Chivalrous duty that he owes to women, that he owes to all women.