(Commenting on a story posted entitled "Sociology professor shoots himself to 'protest Trump'" [https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/09/sociology_professor_shoots_himself_to_protest_trump.html ]):
The Media is to blame for driving people insane.
The media belongs to Satan.
The Media is to blame for driving people insane.
The media belongs to Satan
And guess who's been a part of the Media...!
Was Obama in any 'Reality TV' shows before he was nominated, never mind elected as President?!
I searched this story, it happened but the official police report mentions NOTHING about a Trump protest and the STILL ALIVE professor is appearing in court for the charge of firing a handgun on campus.
Total RightWing source, an opinion rag looking for anything that can compare to their everyday bullshit.
Like photoshopping (From a Texas photo last year)Trump, in his suit yet, into a rescue boat helping people in the Florence Floods, reaching out with his MAGA hat to a waist deep flood victim.
Trump is fucking awful, in every endeavor, There is no Trump Derangement Syndrome, Every criticism is valid and just.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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