There are many parallels with the Weimar Republic & Nazi Germany and contemporary US gun control schemes to limit civilian possession of weapons.
Marxist politicians are well ahead of the knowledge curve when it comes to gun control schemes, and the US certainly has its healthy share of left-leaning politicians that are focused on fundamentally changing the country.
History has proven many times over in order to create the all-powerful state, and empower leadership that is not restrained by a constitution, it is imperative for the state to control who has weapons. Control is accomplished in baby steps over time. An allied press is an important component.
Illinois still suffers from gun control laws originally pushed by Al Capone when Capone ruled Chicago.
Al had the guns (the Chicago police force). His rivals could not legally have weapons.
I find a frightening similarity between Benghazi & Kristallnacht. A well planned attack used to cover the real motive.
There are many similarities in the modern Democrat party and National Socialists party.
Godwin, Godwin, God-WIN!Godwin, Godwin, God-WIN!Godwin, Godwin, God-WIN! Godwin, Godwin, God-WIN!
There are many parallels with the Weimar Republic & Nazi Germany and contemporary US gun control schemes to limit civilian possession of weapons. "
It's true. The Nazi party encouraged its citizens to own guns and practice using them, just like fundies do.
How the hell is gun control similar to Benghazi and Kristallnacht?
The ONLY way it could even have one similarity to Kristallnacht is that I am pretty sure Jews weren't allowed to have guns. However gun control wouldn't be just for Jews or Blacks but for EVERYBODY!
Stop acting like you are being discriminated like the Jews during the Holocaust.
The Democrat party is like the NSDAP?
What sort of "similarities" can you pull out of your ass to back that up?
The Nazis made German gun laws LESS tight, except for Jews.
Look, I get the armed populace as a barrier against despotism thing. I just think it would be better to have it by having a draft army/police as opposed to, de facto, mercenaries.
Y'know, after all the decades of evil anti-constitutional plotting, the murdered children, the conspiracies, the Democrats, the fake mass shootings, the knights Templar, Hollywood Jews, the faking, the Illuminati, false flags and the murdered children, I can still walk down to my local gun shop and legally buy pretty much any firearm I might want.
This includes assault rifles and .50 caliber weapons. There are as far as I know, no restrictions on magazine size unless hunting. I do not need a licence or permit *, open carry is permitted, there are no limits on the number of guns I can buy at one time, nor do I need to register my purchase.
Oh and I'm not an American, it's probably easier if you are.
So just what are you talking about?
*with the exception of the concealed carry of a handgun, an easy get and there are moves in the State Senate to get rid of that onerous requirement.
> I find a frightening similarity between Benghazi & Kristallnacht. A well planned attack used to cover the real motive.
Wait, you think the attack on Benghazi was a false flag?
Yes, 'cause your AR-15 can totally take down a government that has nuclear weapons. I grew up in gun culture and I still don't understand this POV. If you are that concerned about government power, why aren't protesting the size of the military budget and the militarization of our police force. Those are a far greater threat to "freedom" than limiting your clip size to 12 rounds.
"Look, I get the armed populace as a barrier against despotism thing"
I don't. I don't get it at all. As far as I can see it's just a paranoia that is restricted to America. Every democracy on the planet outside of America doesn't have America's criminally reckless gun laws. Yet we don't see our countries getting taken over by despots any time soon.
Maybe if you stopped the tail wagging the dog you could start abandoning this "despot" nonsense. Democracy and the rule of law is the best protection against tyranny not guns in the hands on nutcases.
A Godwin right out of the fucking gate, the equating of American liberals with Marxists, a paranoid rant about the U.S. doing away with the second amendment, and a callback to Benghazi. I guess Timmy couldn't find time to add a racial component and make this gem a trifecta.
Q: How many federal gun control laws have passed during the current Administration?
A: None
Q: How many law abiding people have had their guns taken away for no good reason?
A: None
Q: What effect will Benghazi have on U.S. gun control laws?
A: None
Q: How much rational thought do people like Timmy put into their theories?
A: None
>Nazi Germany and contemporary US gun control schemes to limit civilian possession of weapons.
Not quiet. The US isn't violating any treaties, or it's own laws by allowing private firearm ownership. Nazi Germany did.
Godwin aside, this is an old argument that carries no more weight now than it did 30 years ago. At the rate this conspiracy is being carried out, it will take a hundred years before the first step is complete.
No, there aren't. If I had the money, I could build quite a respectable arsenal, from a small .22 pistol to a .50 cal rifle. And if you google "gun show" you'll find any number of events to fill up every weekend through the rest of the year. And my state recently dropped the requirement for a concealed carry permit, so anyone who wants to can walk around with a gun shoved down their pants or under their jacket. It's like our politicians swallowed that NRA idea that the only solution to gun violence is more guns.
Marxist politicians are well ahead of the knowledge curve when it comes to gun control schemes, and the US certainly has its healthy share of left-leaning politicians that are focused on fundamentally changing the country.
It's just too bad none of them are Marxist, or they'd have that knowledge. As it stands, they have trouble maintaining gun regulation in blue states, unlike in the Wild West Dodge City, telling visitors at the city limits how the carrying of firearms was strictly prohibited.
Illinois still suffers from gun control laws originally pushed by Al Capone when Capone ruled Chicago.
Al had the guns (the Chicago police force). His rivals could not legally have weapons.
All the gun laws and police bribes in the world didn't protect Capone from public opinion and the FBI. Funny how the all-powerful federal agents and empowered leadership of Elliot Ness triumphed over crime.
I find a frightening similarity between Benghazi & Kristallnacht. A well planned attack used to cover the real motive.
What are you jabbering about? Benghazi was some pissed off terrorists using the veil of chaos to strike at their percieved enemy. Kristalnacht was a riot whipped up by Nazi leaders in retaliation of the shooting of its ambassador to France. The planners were so dissimilar and the desired outcome too different to draw any sort of paralel here.
The US is like Nazi Germany because of the left-leaning marxist politicians...?
That's just not even wrong.
On the other hand, if the UK started electing the certifiably insane (instead of just cunts), perhaps I'd feel better owning a gun.
Benghazi is the Republicans' way of saying: "We have absolutely nothing we can accuse Obama of to point to a scandal, nothing at all, so we'll bitch and scream about something we want to believe happened in Benghazi which we can't prove and nobody believes anyway, but it's all we have so we're going to ride it to its death."
A rag-tag group of idiots with guns probably couldn't overthrow the US government. a large popular uprising probably couldn't win unless some or most of the army was on their side. countries like mine where almost no-one has guns are safe places, so the governments don't spend ungodly amounts on weapons. so they probably could be overthrown if things got bad enough.
also it's way to early here for a godwin, please shut up and go back to your trailer.
Then you should be a leftist, considering the most visible and practically only viable opposition to the Nazis by the end of Weimar were the Social Democratic Party (left-wing) and the Communist Party of Germany (take a guess).
Hitler wasn't quite the anti-gun guy you portray him as.
I don't think being pro-gun and being leftist are mutually exclusive, but seriously, you have to realise that enough is enough at some point. I like what the NRA was about before they became utterly crazy and blamed shootings on video games or rap music or basically anything but guns.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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