How could he be so deceived? From the beginning, I'd taught him about Jesus, whom he had invited into his life at the age of five.
Through the years, I'd had no inkling something was wrong. Did Tim ever hint at trouble? Did I really listen? Were there dark secrets in our household? I don't know.
After Tim's letter in 1992, I regarded my adult son as a victim. "They" had caught and trapped him. "They" were faceless, nameless, evil people. Homosexuals. Enemies.
Riiiiiight, "they" must have got him, it couldn't be that he was born that way.
Tinfoil Hat meets homophobia.
This quote is out of context. She's talking about old erroneous attitudes she had in the past. Sure she still has some weird beliefs (Her son is not 'practicing', she needs to bring him and his friends to Jesus) but quoting convictions that someone has renounced as if they were current is just wrong.
Indeed, Mayhem. Most five year olds don't exactly have a firm grip on reality, and may have a hard time distinguishing between what is real and what is fake, what they've seen and what they've imagined.
I just hope that this Tim managed to reach adulthood without being completely screwed up. No one should hate themselves because they've been told that their sexual orientation is sinful and wicked.
I have yet to meet a gay person who didn't have a face. I once met a lesbian who had lost an ear in a car accident, but she definately had a face. On the other hand, I can't recall her name. Maybe she was one of the nameless ones, and the ones without faces just don't live in my area. Pity. I'd like to find out how a faceless gay person would breathe.
Yes, they stalked him in the night and trapped him in an alley. Then they whipped out their magic penises (penii?) and cast a spell causing him to instantly become gay.
Shirley, you're so stupid, I'm surprised you can breathe unassisted.
Instead of being a hater to him,
you should support him and be a good mother.
Instead your to afraid of going to hell.
Yes, the gays have brainwashed another to join their hive of scum and villainy. Now for the remaining 92% of the population.
Shirley, well done on getting less crazy, but you have further to go.
And this is how Tim caught "Teh Ghey", cumming soon, to a theater near you!
*Don't miss the soundtrack of this FABULOUS movie, Featuring, "The Village People"
I'm sorry that your son is gay - for your sake. It's not the easiest kind of life, but I have survived it up until now.
Just make sure you don't make his burden any heavier by your attitudes. He probably could do with support and help. He certainly doesn't need criticism and betrayal.
And no. None of us ask to be gay. It would be a far easier life not having to swim against the tide all the time. But it toughens one up - eventually. Some, unfortunately, can't take the pressures and take the short way out. Be careful that your son has sufficient support for this reason alone. It would be a heavy cross for you to have to bear if you failed him and he did take the short road out. Try to find some christian compassion in yourself.
BTW, at 5 no one is capable of doing other than what they are told to do.
Eh, even if she doesn't view homosexuals as evil people and enemes, she still thinks there's something wrong with being homosexual. She thinks her son needs to change and 'not be gay' and thinks it's good if he's a 'nonpracticing homosexual.'
Yes, Shirley U. Geste, one night whilst he was sleeping a pod was placed outside his bedroom, and during the night his body was snatched. In the morning a hole was drilled into the base of his skull and a crystal was implanted. Transformation; complete.
All our base are pwn you
"Non-practicing homosexual?"
Does that mean he's finally getting the hang of it?
I find it comical that she thinks he 'accepted Jesus' at age 5. My fundy sibling thinks HIS kid, who was able to repeat their rigmarole back at age 5, said it because Jesus was leading him to say it, not because he was eager to please. (And able to repeat a simple story he had been hearing nonstop for the last 5 years.)
"faceless, nameless, evil people"
Dear god, he got kidnapped by ninjas!
Pity this probably won't ever reach you Shirley A Rorvik...
I think you're a fuckwit!
Stop trying to lead your son's life for him and take up a more constructive hobby, maybe needlepoint or something.
Marvelous Christian you turned out to be
"Their conduct is above reproach in our home" ... yeah well I bet he has the fucking time of his life every time he screws a faceless, nameless one. You might have to burn his old bedroom to the ground when you realise he probably did it in your precious little home anyway
From the article, here's her description of what Turned Her Son Gay [TM]:
Over the next few weeks, we talked on the phone or through letters. I needed answers. "Tim, why? Was it the war? Did something happen over there? Or when you were little?"
Eventually, he opened up. "Remember the older boy in my third grade class? The bully?" Tim said. "Well, he cornered me one day after school--" his voice broke. "After that, he told everyone I was a fag. Nobody wanted to be around me."
He told me of a couple more childhood incidents when older boys had threatened or bribed him into cooperating with their sexual indulgences.
Notice that there's no mention at all of her son actually realizing he was attracted to men. She's cherry-picking a few negative experiences and using them as justification for her belief that Teh Gay is a disease.
way to go: outing your son as gay so you can bleat and agonise about it in public.
There will be lots of this woman's co-faithees who will despise, hate, and discriminate against her son now.
She may love him, but I think she loves the sound of her own voice more - UNLESS he gave her permission - in which case I will apologise
I don't know, she seems to be trying to grasp this, but then again, she refuses to admit that she could of bred a gay man. And is making his life miserable.
According to the movie 'Bible Camp' most fundies have accepted Christ by age 13. Uhh.... Santa is real, Jesus is real, the toothfairy is real.
So, did your son choose Jesus at the age of five, or was it something you told him was a good thing? Considering that young kids tend to believe whatever bullshit you tell them - like touching there is a good thing we never tell mommy about - I don't hold much hope that he really knew what he was doing at the time.
And yes, I just compared young-age salvation to pederasty. Tell me how exploiting the gullibility of a child one way isn't as bad as any other. I'm waiting. And no, you can't use the "but it's Jesus" defense because you obviously cared more about whether he was "saved" than whether he had willingly made those promises with an understanding of the consequences of his actions.
Get off your religious high horse and actually look at your own damn son as a human being, you cunt.
EDIT: Sorry if there seems to be excessive vitriol in my response. I have a serious problem with fundies who care much more about how well a person fits some fictitious ideal rather than the actual person. It's incredibly frustrating to deal with people who never see you , but only what they think you should be.
Frankly, this woman is really quite close to sane.
I mean, like same area code, not necessarily zip code.
Reading the entire thing, she's got a whole lot of
sane inside, trying to scrape through the Christer
carapace. Maybe we should pray for her. . . ;>
Nny listen up your son has been waiting in that dark closet for awhile to get out and be who he really is, he didnt choose it he was born it and something tells me your wife knew about it, since some females can tell if their child is or not... you sure you arent just being jealous cause you wish to be free and open about it like your son is, but you have that religious stick so far up your ass you are scared it will hurt coming out...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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