zysch #fundie intjforum.com
I'm not sure I even sympathize with a man being raped by a woman. A man being raped by a man...maybe... still feels like something he should deal with himself and not bring the law into.
[The stronger usually holds responsibility, just as parents hold that over their offspring.
Why shouldn't a man who was raped report it?]
Its personally humiliating, it makes the idea that men can be raped more common (unwanted beliefs prevailing in the society are definitely not a good thing). Men are expected to be strong enough to handle their own problems - I'd basically put this under being assaulted in a humiliating fashion. Your physical wounds will heal, and a man is expected to be strong enough to deal with his mental issues.
That and having someone else deal with your problem for you in something like this, is likely not going to give you any satisfaction and may do permanent damage to your mind - by making you accept the reality that you were a weak person who couldn't defend himself, was a victim, and needed some kind of (not quite meaningful) justice to be provided by someone else - in a way that mostly just satisfies other people and not you.
For his own sake, he should deal with it by himself. We are not women. We don't have support structures like women, nor do we really want them. Having someone try to console you and make you feel better, because you got raped would be no minor humiliation. Practically sounds worse than getting raped (which, if no one knows about it - isn't so bad... getting physically hurt some, isn't necessarily a big deal)