Wow. Better not watch "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" then, if you value your pwecious brainmeats. Why?
Princess Celestia: She = Amun-Ra of ancient Egyptian mythology. Celestia raises the Sun every day; and - unlike your so-called absentee father of a 'deity' - shock-horror: actually appears to her subjects in Equestria!?! Therefore no 'Faith' required.
Princess Luna: Not only the raiser of the Moon (and of course, is the Night [/New Luna Republic]), she can enter the dreams of others.
And Princess Celestia - for an all-powerful God' such as her - even has a creator: 'Mother' (Fausticorn) [/John Joseco]
...oh, and Celestia, Luna - and even new Alicorn (and effectively a God) Twilight Sparkle - even though they have wings too, are Unicorns; oh, and not to mention Twi's companion, Spike. Unicorns and Dragons are mentioned in the Bible, are they not...?!
Enjoy your paradox, Sarah. 20% more of it. /)^3^(\
"plus cos Ariel's smokin cartoon-hot"
Two words: Julius Zimmerman
Google that name. You won't believe what he does with Jessica Rabbit. [/Rule 34]