[ What is your opinion on torturing non american noncombatants? ]
(Man with a rocket launcher, a fox for a hat and a t-shirt reading "I [heart] waterboarding children")
Doesn't the dead fox on his head just say it all?
"I am a cunt, and to prove it, look at my hat".
In other words:
"When I'm not drunk and have work, I drive a city bus and have to be polite and say 'yes sir' to niggers. If I don't, my spick supervisor tells his wop boss about it and the fucking kike tie and jacket comes down and chews my ass out. Fuck 'em all."
Liz_7: Both. The ears are difficult to see, but they are directly in front of the paws, which have been posed in the 'surrender' position, pads-up.
Bill probably thinks this is hilarious. I hope someone makes a hat out of him .
Though I imagine there isn't much of a market for hats made out of cunty dipshits.
I'll bet that's an open area in an American Southwest area and he just collects military gear while REAL soldiers laugh at him. The military wouldn't allow beards.
I'm not saying there aren't maniacs in the military but guy's probably some backwater "Militia"-nut with a serious screw loose combined with a boatload of psychopathy.
He's also a troll because no one would spew so much and wear so much stupid and not expect to annoy people. If one must react, it's with laughter and jokes!
I imagine someone made that for him on commission. I also hope that fox was dead when he got it; I hate to think he killed an innocent creature just to humiliate it in death like that.
It's a vain hope, I know.
...and after you've finished LARP-ing "Fallout", you come back to the 'Vault' for din-dins, as it's your favourite: Hot Pockets served in 'MRE' form, for mummy's best little (Keyboard) Warrior billy-boy.
Hopefully that fox isn't dead, but is quietly munching away on that retard's brain...! [/Headcrabs] >:D
I am very certain that, if he ever was in the military, they would have kicked him out for failing every psychological evaluation. Rabid psychos are pretty much the worst soldiers imaginable.
But as other pointed out, there is no way such an appearence would be tolerated in an active soldier, and he is just a militia nutjob playing soldier.
Also, at least in the civilised world, "I was just following orders" is no longer supposed to be the ideal. Soldiers are supposed to adhere to the rules and customs of war and to disobey illegal orders -
I hear you Mimic, but "supposed to adhere to the rules and customs" is at best a weak unenforced ideology since they allowed racist association in volunteers and commissioned as sentencing for crimes soldiers.
We wish those "American Values" training films of the sixties had any influence now.
@ #1947519
The Mimic Octopus
'"I was just following orders" is no longer supposed to be the ideal'.
It pretty much stopped being the ideal at a place called Nurenberg in 1945-1946.
Some people were on trial there for some pretty bad shit, and some of them tried to use "I was only following orders" as a defense. This didn't work out all that well, and it is today known as the "Nurenberg Defense" (i.e. the defendant was only following orders, and is therefore not responsible for his or her crimes).
And @ #1947512 Bob: What military do you base that derogatory statement on, exactly?
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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