NO, but I lack the belief that magical mutations and mindless Nature can change animal thinking into Human reasoning. Tell us HOW Adam's superior intelligence, which is like God's Gen 3:22 got inside an Ape, Apeman.
Answer: It didn't. Noah's grandsons, having NO other Humans (descendants of Adam) to marry, married and produced today's Humans with the prehistoric people who had been on Planet Earth for Millions of years BEFORE the Ark arrived. Read Gen 10:10 and notice that Cush, Noah's grandson, produced Nimrod and the ONLY woman available to have the child, was a prehistoric woman.
The SAME thing happened on Adam's Earth since Cain married a prehistoric woman and had Enoch. Gen 6:4 Amen?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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