"If we are doing good things merely because we want to do good things for people and don't want to hurt anyone, then our morality is still disobedience. It is only when we practice morality out of a love for God that it is counted as righteousness, and this can only be achieved in Christ Jesus."
Thanks for at least being honest about the fact that you are not compassionate or smart enough to do good for the sake of doing good, you have to have a scapegoat.
I'll continue to do good for the sake of doing good.. because it's the right thing to do.
So, what's morality anyway?, to follow blindly the orders of a puppeteer?. If you were right, the world would have end 10,000 years ago.
In that case, the Heaven reward is spurious. After all, whatever you do you're either going to Heaven or Hell just for saying or not "I love Jesus", what's the point of behaving?. Next time a guy is pointing you with a knife and saying "Jesus is my saviour" tell me what you feel.
So morality out of genuine altruism is wrong now?
When Paul used the filthy-rags thing, he simply used it to refer to the irrelevance of works, not to condemn the works themselves as wrong, or *shudder* disobedient.
I rarely use the word obedience because it's so loaded with robotic mindless connotations. This is largely thanks to folk like this.
You missed the whole point, ceek.
Please restore your soul to original specifications.* And this time, DO NOT allow your elders to corrupt it with their psychotic bullshit.
*if you don't know how, you're up Shit Creek without a paddle. And then, you lose.
Y'know, I'm about ready for God to come down here and tell us exactly what He wants. If it's so damned important to Him that we only do things because He wants us to, would it kill Him to say so once in a while?
So, to summarize this quote...
Doing the right thing because you don't want to be an asshole to your fellow human beings = WORK O' TEH DEBBIL!!1
Doing the right thing because you believe that God will beat the everloving shit out of you if you don't = A-Okay!
This not only gives me the feeling that God Is A Dick, this also makes me wonder if a lot of Christian fundies were abused as children. Sure does explain the idea of God as an abusive parent.
if I remember correctly, the beatitudes talked of those who mourn, are meek, are merciful,are peacemakers, among others being blessed.
As an after thought Jesus includes his followers as a separate category. If one believes Jesus's words, as a true Xian should, then any of these virtues gets you in
I see. I'm disobedient if I can demonstrate that my personal moral and ethical code surpasses that of your bogeyman.
[Hmm. I noticed as I was writing this, that 'demonstrate' starts with 'demon'. Is there some causal link between this coincidence and the fundie unwillingness to accept demonstrations of anything?]
God reminds me of a small child. He throws tantrums when people don't pay attention to him. He gets angry when things don't go his way. He doesn't give a damn how hard anyone else has worked as long as they do what he tells them. However, the difference is that, while a child doesn't know any better, God is a supposedly an all powerful, loving God.
Your god is a monster, and I would rather go to hell than serve its hateful whims.
But it's not real, so neener.
But can't it be considered worse if you do it for the love of God? 'Cause then you're not doing it because you want to. We, on the other hand, do want to, so we're better. Ha ha.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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