There is no such thing as evolution.
You can say that till the cows come home and that still won't make it true.
Saying that we originate from apes, is totally ridiculous
I agree, especially since that is not at all similar to what evolutionary theory postulates. Or course you would know that if you had ever bother to research what evolutionary theory does or does not claim rather than just believing something you were told in sunday school.
The key to all these events is the flood during the time of Noah(do more research if u think this story is no more than a myth).
I have researched it, there is no evidence what so ever that supports the idea of a global flood at any time in human history.
You cant assume that people are more technologically advanced with time, if you cant prove the level of technology before the flood.
We don't "assume" that technology advanced over time, we extrapolate it based on availible data, of which there is literal mountains. We don't need to "prove" a level of technology existed prior to the Noahcian flood because there is no evidence for either the flood of noah, or an advanced level of technology prior to it. You've got it turned around, You assume that there was advance technology in prehistory and then claim that science has to prove that there wasn't, and that's not how science, logic, of basic reasoning works.
If there were a technically advanced civilization before this non existant flood then there would be evidence of such, There would be artifacts of this supposed technology. But there isn't, and unless something is found that would indicate such then there is no reason to assume that there was since all indications and availible data show that civilization has slowly advance technologically. Believing or insisting that something else is the case with no evidence to back that belief up is nothing more than wishful thinking and fantasy fanfic.