JMcCarthy #fundie

[CEO Howard Schultz requests that customers no longer bring weapons into Starbucks stores.]

Howard Schultz is not the victim here. Schultz takes the profits from Starbucks and donates to Marxist democrats like obama and supports them any way he can which just makes him one of obamas 'Marxist community organizers' (destroyers). What others have said is true of those that patronize Starbucks: they are Marxists, Communists, Anarchists, America Haters, the Clueless Invincibly ignorant, Useful Idiots and 'rebels', with a cause (destroy America), who go there just to be with their "Own Kind" and plot against our Freedoms! The best reason for 'Open Carry' is to just Pi$$ off Progressives!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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