[CEO Howard Schultz requests that customers no longer bring weapons into Starbucks stores.]
Howard Schultz is not the victim here. Schultz takes the profits from Starbucks and donates to Marxist democrats like obama and supports them any way he can which just makes him one of obamas 'Marxist community organizers' (destroyers). What others have said is true of those that patronize Starbucks: they are Marxists, Communists, Anarchists, America Haters, the Clueless Invincibly ignorant, Useful Idiots and 'rebels', with a cause (destroy America), who go there just to be with their "Own Kind" and plot against our Freedoms! The best reason for 'Open Carry' is to just Pi$$ off Progressives!
Capitalists are free to make whatever profits the free market gives them, and to use them any way they see fit, including campaign finance. Got a problem with that, commieboy?
He said all that just because someone politely asked him not to bring a weapon on their property? I have a feeling if there was a sign that said "No dogs or coloured folks allowed", he would be standing up for the first amendment, and the rights of property.
Sorry JMcCarthy, it looks like you'll have to find some other venue to indulge your juvenile fantasy about being the "good guy" who pulls out his gun and blows away the "bad guy" and consequently finds himself surrounded by adoring fans.
Its just as well. If such a situation ever did occur, you'd probably wind up dead or just embarrassing yourself when you forgot you had a gun and dropped to your knees begging for your life.
Weird how those people are all behind the right to refuse selling flowers and cake for gay weddings, but not for the right to ban an inanimate object - that happens to put the other people in the store at risk from the premises.
Oh wait, that's not weird at all. They're self-centered, clueless and hypocritical, explains everything.
Another moron who thinks the Bill of Rights obtains on private property.
No, dumb ass. Owners of private businesses can tell you to leave your penis substitutes at home. They can throw you out if you start with a racist rant even if you believe you're covered by your freedom of speech. You can't start praying at your host's dinner table if he or she doesn't want you to. You get it? That's why the First Amendment starts "Congress shall make no law...", not "So wherever you feel like it..."
So what's next? An essay on our inalienable right to letters of marque and reprisal?
It's a privately owned establishment. If you don't like how the owner runs his business, leave.
Isn't that what you and your ilk always say when one of your own gets called out for behaving irresponsibly on their own turf?
But Starbucks is a corporation. A business. Are you saying you hate business? Isn't that the most Un-American thing a right winger can do?
"The best reason for 'Open Carry' is to just Pi$$ off Progressives!"
Yeah, that's not even cute.
Schultz takes the profits from Starbucks and donates to Marxist democrats like obama and supports them any way he can
So what? I thought conservatives were all for the free market? So why can't Schultz spend the money he legitimately earned as he sees fit? You should see it as a victory for capitalism. But you don't REALLY care about the free market, do you? No, it's just another expendable talking point to you. All you care about is getting your way.
The best reason for 'Open Carry' is to just Pi$$ off Progressives!
Because FUCK progress! Let's go back to being cavemen!
Yeah, that IS a huge burden. Imagine the inconvience of being asked not to bring a gun into a coffee house.
I see you've included yourself in the list of Starbucks customers when you mention "the Clueless Invincibly ignorant."
Also, a private business can make whatever rules it wants from abridging your right to carry guns to abridging your right to free speech. A business can kick you out for whatever reason it sees fit, aside from discrimination. And before you open your mouth, discrimination (in a legal context) has to do with refusing equal treatment based on physical characteristics or beliefs. Actions are not protected by law.
1) The CEO of Starbucks simply asked people not to carry in his store.
2) The CEO of Starbucks has not banned the carry of guns into Starbucks
3) Current policy is still not to kick someone out for carrying a gun, even though they were asked not to.
I don't see why they have a problem with a business owner requesting people conduct themselves in a certain way while on the property of his private business.
1) The CEO of Starbucks simply asked people not to carry in his store.
2) The CEO of Starbucks has not banned the carry of guns into Starbucks
3) Current policy is still not to kick someone out for carrying a gun, even though they were asked not to.
I don't see why they have a problem with a business owner requesting people conduct themselves in a certain way while on the property of his private business.
Even in Texas private businesses are well within their rights to forbid guns on their premises, and call the cops if someone insists on doing so. Also, according to http://www.texasgunlaws.org/ , Open Carry isn't legal in Texas. Try telling the Texas legislature they're all Marxists.
Now, people who frequent the comments section know that I support individual rights to own guns.
But these macho dumbasses piss me off. Have you forgotten every single rule of gun safety? If you don't need a gun, KEEP IT LOCKED AND UNLOADED IN A GUN SAFE AT HOME YOU FUCKER (emphasis needed).
Mr. Schultz is obviously uncomfortable with people bringing weapons into his restaurants, why can't you just leave it at that? Are you that paranoid that you feel the need to be armed at all times?
If the answer is yes, than most likely, you shouldn't be armed at all. You are a danger to yourself and those around you, give you gun to a trusted/responsible friend for safe keeping. Seek psychological help immediately.
I support gun rights, but people absolutely must be responsible and accountable when they are exercising their right. A person with a mental disorder is not in control of their actions and should not be allowed to own/handle a deadly weapon.
I realize others have touched on it, but I's a Bezerk Button for me so...
Nothing pisses me off more than somebody who says they should have absolute freedom and then gets thier panties in a wad because somebody has the audactiy to expect the same freedoms. Either the government should be able to tell you where you can carry your gun, or the government shouldn't get to say what happens on private property. You don't get to have it both ways, you hypocrite.
"who go there just to be with their "Own Kind" and plot against our Freedoms!"
I don't know about my fellow Liberal Marxist Anarchist America Haters, but I go there for delicious Vanilla Cream Fraps.
Ya know what? I have the strangest urge to go patronize a Starbucks right now.
Next, we'll be hearing about weirdos plotting world-domination via Burger King Whoppers!
I salute our Salted Caramel Mocha overlords! May they drown you and your pea-shooter in an iconic wooden barrel of Jamaican Blue Mountain.
Do you really believe, McCarthy, that you could pull your gun in a store full of hyped-up caffeine junkies? They'd take it away from you and jam it up your nose before you could blink.
Okay, sure.
If you don't like the rules, feel free to take your business elsewhere. Or open your own coffee shop, with guns and cigarettes and hookers and blackjack and what--have-you. Isn't that what you Free-Market Super-Patriot types have been insisting everyone do all along, to vote with your dollars?
"The best reason for 'Open Carry' is to just Pi$$ off Progressives!"
Naturally. There's little point in growing-up, in having to deport yourself with the demeanor of an adult, achieving levels of responsibility and decency and adopting mature behaviour.
Why bother soaring nobly like a majestic eagle rising above it all. It is far easier to remain in the schoolyard in a state of perpetual defiance, sulking one minute, sniggering the next. Sounds like a plan.
@ Fawful has seen God has a vagina on top of his penis
I dunno. Drunkin Joe has become something of a hero to younger neo-cons who have no idea what his bluster-fest was really all about. And seeing commies under the bed has been a right-wing standard for decades.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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