Aryan Jim UK #racist

While I do agree that the Jews generally do seem to have compassion & empathy deleted from there genetics, You have to admit Andrew there are Blonde haired blue eyes Jews, Black Jews, Chinese Jews & of course the typical hook nosed Rat Faced semetic Jews. So to be honest how can they be all that Genetically simlar, I mean you wouldnt call a black man white cause he had a white ancestor 5 generations before would you? So obviously there must be a lot of Planning, theres things going on that are way to complex to not be well organised, whether It be world ecomomics or 9/11 etc etc, Also while I agree the average Jew is Evil & degenerate, there is clearly an elite that are even more evil, the whole ‘Satanism’ stuff is simply Judaism & they do sacrifice Animals & even People. Etheopian Jews for example practice animal sacfifice openly! In my opinion there is a spititual element to this aswell, Im not religious, but do believe in a spiritual component to the universe, there is clearly a dark force on this Earth right Now (call it satan or lucifer or whatever name is irrelavent) & the Jew is this forces Servant. & no I havnt got this from David Kike but my own life experience.



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