CrotonKnight #racist

Last Saturday I had to take my daughter to the DMV to get a state ID card (she's flying to visit her grandmother for a week and cannot get on the plane without it.)
Now, my daughter and I got to witness some cat 2 or so chimpouts, for example:

Niggers arriving with the wrong paperwork (or no paperwork) for whatever license/permit they were applying for.

Niggers arriving with at least eight fambly members and taking up seats meant for people who had actual business there. (niggers can stand as far as I am concerned.)

Loud (and I mean LOUD) yelling into their obummer phones about whatever bullshit that goes through a nigger's mind.

Document seizures. There is a sign that says if the documents look suspicious that they will be confiscated. There were three that day that we saw and every time it was a nigger that was probably being looked for by the police or domestic relations (child support), and the chimpouts were ranging between cat 1 and 2, I suppose depending on how much money they spent on the documentation that didn't look right.

My personal favorite, though, was after about four hours of waiting, and listening to niggerbabble, she finally gets her number called, and we go to the counter. Some nigger gets called to the counter beside us, and while she has finished giving her information and proper paperwork, she starts to slouch a little, and I tell here to stand up straight...apparently the nigger beside us thought I was talking to him so he flaps his blue gums (what it said I have no clue) but I told it I was talking to my kid and it needed to mind its own business. Turns out he brought in a blank medical certificate form and expected to receive a CDL that day (more improper paperwork) so it left ooking and eeking about how 'this be rayciss n sheet'.

When we finally leave, with her newly minted ID, she told me that she had once thought I was exaggerating regarding the feral pavement apes, but not anymore.
hopefully this lesson stays with her.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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