Argentina students #racist

Reports have circulated that several high school students in Argentina attended a club with Hitler mustaches and swastikas painted on them and wearing leathers. They attend a school in Lanus, a neighborhood of Buenos Aires.

The club was also host to several Jewish students from an ORT High School.

A mother of one of the Jewish boys spoke to Rádio Latina saying:

“at a certain point in the night, young people came wearing swastikas and had painted-on Hitler mustaches—my son and his friends complained and asked that they be taken out, but all the club management did was demand that the mustaches be washed off and that the swastikas be removed”

“They all ended up fighting, and everyone was kicked out of the club – not just the aggressors”

According to the Telegraph, the students who were dressed as Nazis also shouted “f*cking Jews” and “proudly” showed off their Nazi imagery when they realised there were Jewish students present.

Families of the Jewish students have condemned the club, saying that no students bearing Nazi imagery should have been allowed in in the first place.

Ariel Cohen Sabban, head of the Delegaiton of Argentine Jewish Associations, said that he would be happy to meet with the club’s manager, and commented:

“It’s neither a joke nor a grace. These symbols reflect an ideology which culminated in the assassination of six million Jews at the hands of the Nazis. If these kids are older than 16, then these kids could be sentenced to between a month to three years in prison for their actions, as this is a crime in Argentina. We have to be alert because we are beginning new hot beds of anti-Semitism—the state’s drive to combat this phenomenon, specifically through education, is very important”.

The event occurred in the resort of San Carlos de Bariloche, which is in the Andes. The town was a hiding place to several Nazis after the conclusion of World War Two, including Erich Priebke, and several conspiracy theories hold that Hitler and Eva Braun survived and secretly fled their after the war.



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