Today when I was at my aunt's party my cousin who was looking out the window saw a dark man with a hat.She said he was scary and I think she said that he had a mask.I told her that it was probably some evil spirit or something.
Yes, cold weather garb, in the dark, is very scary. So are fundies with fixations on evil spirits. Seriously, use a few paycheques and buy a life, really.
Yep, it was an evil spirit, it's certainly the only rational explaination I can think of. It couldn't be anything supernatural like a guy in a hat passing by, no that would be too wierd.
Sounds like my little brother. He dresses in black, sometimes wears a hat, and puts in scarf over his face in winter.
Hey, it's likelier than Spreadtheword's theory!
Naw, that isn't causing more needless fear because of your own ignorance and refusal to look into a subject.
Have I ever mentioned how much that aspect of some people drives me nuts, religious or not?
So, you didn't know who it was, you attributed the person's appearance to God. Except, you don't like black people, so you had to attribute it to an anti-God i.e. the Devil.
*slow hand claps*
I hope she told you that you were full of crap. Evil spirits indeed. If she actually saw someone, I can guarantee they were as human as anyone else on this planet. And depending on how old your cousin is, it's cruel to try to increase her fear unnecessarily like that. I'm all for teaching kids not to talk to strangers, but filling their heads with nonsense is out of line.
Please tell me you were joking. :/
Yeah, I basically agree with everyone else-it was probably just an African-American man bundled up for the cold, and your cousin's fear made you afraid and jump to conclusions.
And a few weeks ago my younger brother told me there was a man down the street, frothing at the mouth and shouting incoherently at the passersby.
I went to check, and it turned out to be just another fundy.
Did the mask look like this...image ?
If all you atheist dirtbags think you're so smart, then try to explain this: if he wasn't an evil spirit, then where did he get a hat?
From the store like the rest of us?
I seriously hope that was sarcasim.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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