Michael Berry #fundie mediamatters.org

(The page is full of horrible comments from Berry. These are just the worst ones)

During Berry's September 21 broadcast, he brought up the murder of Tyjuan Poindexter, a 14-year-old bystander who was shot and killed. Berry mocked the child's name, saying, "Tyjuan Poindexter. Ha ha. Tyjuan Poindexter was standing outside with some friends when some people drove by and opened fire. Young Mister Poindexter was shot in the head and died at the scene. He won't have to live with that name anymore." Berry continued to mock gun violence victims, saying of another fatal shooting: "Most people dove under cars. Not the fat ones. But Mr. Lewis was left exposed to fire and took several bullets in the chest. He died about two hours later at the hospital."


In describing violence in Chicago during a July 13 broadcast, Berry referred to the list of murder victims as the "butcher bill." Berry went on to mock the names of victims and ask his audience to guess where each victim -- including a 12-year-old boy -- was physically shot, joking, "There's so many parts upon which you can be shot." In one instance, Berry mocked 19-year-old murder victim Pierre Dobyne by saying, "His last words reportedly were laughing at someone for approaching him in a minivan. That's not true, but it would be good wouldn't it? 'Oh man, tell me I'm not about to be gunned down by some dudes in a minivan. What kind of self-respecting gang steals a minivan to come kill me in?'" Berry ended the segment by saying, "A 23-year-old man was wounded when a dark-colored car drove by and shot the victim in the -- face! He got a facial. Yeah. Huh huh huh. No, his name was not [inaudible]. No, that's a serious facial right there, yeah."


During a July 27 broadcast, Berry reported on the shooting death of 17-year-old Donnell Morrison and said, "We have gone from Billy the Kid to Donnell the Dealer. Now, we don't know that Donnell was a dealer, but we don't know that Billy was a kid either." Berry also found it funny that victims in a car were hit by gunfire from the sidewalk, saying, "Interesting twist on a drive-by. This time the victims were the ones driving. [Laughs] We got hit by a drive-by, or maybe you could call that a 'walk-by.' Both men were shot multiple times and were pronounced dead at the scene."


During an August 10 broadcast, Berry congratulated Chicago on reports that there had been 290 murders in the city so far that year. After exclaiming, "Way to go Chicago!" Berry clapped and rang a bell in mock celebration. While reading a report of one shooting, Berry said, "Do you know what you call someone who shoots somebody right there? A hip pointer. See he pointed at the -- yeah -- see what I did there?" A hip pointer is a name for a common sports injury. Berry also said of a multiple gunshot victim, "He felt the the burn, but Bernie Sanders wasn't speaking."


During a September 8 broadcast, Berry noted the high level of violence of the past weekend by saying, "Eight shooting deaths in a single day was the biggest since 2003. Way to go Chicago, you black lives matters dumb asses." Berry continued, "Chicago has seen a 15 percent increase in the homicide rate, because -- all together now -- black lives matter, apparently more so when lying face down in a pool of blood in the streets of Chicago at the hands of a black man."



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