Various trolls #fundie

Chase NotMyPussyGrabber • 25 minutes ago

Trannys can pay for their own mutilations, nobody in America wants to pay for fake boobs on Chelsea manning

Conservative Finnibar87 • a few seconds ago

George bought and paid for phony dirt from Russia. #realrussiancollusion

Conservative The_C_a_t • a few seconds ago

Finish the story. The republican for some reason didn't run with it, most likely because it was unsubstantiated, so Fusion GPS aka George Soros picked it up and ran with it. The bottom line is George Soros, James Comey, and the DNC used phony Russian lies to smear President Trump. This means it's the democrats who are the real colluders with Russia.

at Woods Wolf Tracker • a minute ago

Water vapor causes global warming you ignorant diseased ladyboy......!!!!!!

Conservative Finnibar87 • a few seconds ago

Anything is better than the Washington DC insider globalist administration of Barry the liar.

Pat Woods Conservative • in a few seconds

Isn't Barry that gay Kenyan Muslim community organizer.........?

SilkyF0Rever • 6 minutes ago

"E" Took a survey on a new reboot of the "Odd Couple" starring O.J. and Brucilla Jenner.
99.9% of liberals say that they can't wait to masturbate to it.
Today's word boys and girls is



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