It is well documented that the name 'rock and roll' was used to describe fornication in the back of a car. Even today, there are songs and phrases such as rock your world, let's rock, etc. All of these terms have dual meanings. One definition they all share is to fornicate.
The term later came to describe a style of music that caused otherwise proper young ladies to act or move their bodies in a lude, seducive way. This style of music caused them to commit acts of fornication.
"It is well documented that the name 'rock and roll' was used to describe fornication in the back of a car. Word meanings change, Brother.
Bro., the linguistics of slang and modern musicology are just a wee bit out of your league, especially since you so proudly avoid tainting yourself with any experience in either. Kindly shut up about things of which you are so woefully and intentionally ignorant.
~David D.G.
Doesn't this guy think at all about what he says?
Yes, yes he does, especially when he's standing over the toilet in the fashion of Judge Reinhold.
You tell 'em, Bro. If the music is "lude and seducive," the kids will act "lude and seducive." Or maybe it'll just make 'em want to jump and holler. You know, like normal kids do.
No, he didn't mean "lewd," he meant " 'lude," which (as everyone knows) is short for "quaalude," a drug. So this post has sex, drugs, and rock and roll in it. Mothers, take your children inside! Bro. Randy is a threat to their virtue! OH NOES!!
And I asume that Salomon, who had seven hundred wives and Casanova listened to Rock n Roll(which meant moving only, by the way, and IT WAS COINED LONG BEFORE CARS were widely available as today)?
John: Doesn't this guy think at all about what he says?
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Bro. Randy think? Not recently, no. Perhaps there was that one breakthrough thought back in 1984.... no, sorry, I must be mistaken.
RandyFan: Bro. Randy is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
I am in perfect agreement. Long may Bro. Randy give! I just wish he didn't have to screw up so many teenagers in the process.
Funny, as I read this post, I was listening to a rock song with some lyrics that would suit Bro. Randy and the Brainwashed-4-Christ crowd:
I'm scared by the choices they've made
They don't want to understand
That their attempt in the search for truth
Ultimately fails due to lack of proof
- The Chills, "Brave Words"
so this dude was thinking...
"omg...that one and only time i had sex in the back of my car was when i was listening to rock and roll music...therefore..."
and then his theory emerged, damn hypocrite!!!!!!!so yeah, that's his documentation. remember, this dude probably doesn't get much except from his hand, so well documented to him means once
randy (r²n“d¶) adj. randier, randiest. 1.a. Lascivious; lecherous. b. Of or characterized by frank, uninhibited sexuality. 2. Scots. Ill-mannered. [Possibly from obsolete rand, to rant, from obsolete Dutch randen, ranten.]
Well actually that explains a lot. :D
I have tried to read through just a few of the posts on this "Teens For Christ" site and wind up turning puple with rage. Those have got to be the the most ignorant, arrogant, misled fucking asswipes I have ever had the mispleasure of stumbling across. The crowning peanut in that useless turd Brother Randy...dammit, words fail me. ARRRRGGGHHH!!! I HATE THAT MOTHERFUCKER WITH EVERY FIBER IN MY BODY!!!!!
The term later came to describe a style of music that caused otherwise proper young ladies to act or move their bodies in a lude, seducive way. This style of music caused them to commit acts of fornication.
You misspelled "girls who wanted to be sexy but needed an excuse."
Hope this helps.
Why, oh why, are fundies (particularly Bro. Randy here) only concerned with the sexual behavior of FEMALES? The Bible calls for sexual purity from women AND men. Why isn't he complaining about how rock and roll "caused otherwise proper young men to move their bodies in a lewd (not "lude", Randy you retard), seductive way? (I personally think it's because he likes to concentrate on preying on the little girls. Sick bastard.)
Randy, dancing does not equal fornication, no matter how seductively you are moving your body. I have yet to see anyone dance while they are actually having sex, no matter how much it might look like it. (Also, that style of dancing was not common til looooong after the advent of rock and roll, so how does he explain that?)
Hmm, that makes me wonder, though. Is seductive rock and roll dancing okay if the couple dancing are married? It wouldn't be fornication then, right?
I just found this line in the Wikipedia article for rock and roll:
An early form of rock and roll was rockabilly, which combined the above elements with jazz, influences from traditional Appalachian folk music, and Gospel.
Reading that, after reading Herr Randy's quote, is very amusing.
"The term later came to describe a style of music that caused otherwise proper young ladies to act or move their bodies in a lude, seducive way."
...which Bro. Randy-4-Teens loved. He writes like a bad softcore porn novel.
Hm. I've been a metalhead for years and I've never "committed an act of fornication". I've fucked, though, and that's much more fun.
Oh noes, teh musik make teh peepl have secks!
He's right everyone. Get rid of lewd music and there'd be no more fucking. Wouldn't it be a better world?
I don't see the point sometimes...
If I'm not mistaken, the music also caused otherwise proper young men to move their bodies in a "lude, seducive" way. For example, Elvis was often only filmed from the waist upwards, as his pelvis was gyrating in a "lude and seducive" way.
We have very little of that "fornication in the back of a car" over here, as we'd rather do it at home in bed. But, aren't the cars often parked when you fornicate in them? No rolling action from the car, in other words. If you have a proper bed, however, you can roll around in it. Especially if you have a bed that's 6 feet wide with one big matress.
"It is well documented"
[citation needed]
It is well known that teenagers love to fuck their little rocks off, in the back of cars and just about anywhere else that's handy. Music and dancing may help to accelerate that end result, but teens were screwing like rabbits long before rock 'n roll.
Of course, if you live in the Dark Ages like Bro.Randy you may not be aware of what the other 99.999% of us accept as utterly normal human behaviour.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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