[An article was posted about a proposed fence lining the southern border of the USA]
An excellent idea but it is just a start. I would like to see most of the money being wasted on New Orleans used to build something like the Great Wall of China the entire length of both borders.
Yea, let's not waste money or anything.
Hey, next we can turn this country into a giant convertible! We'll have a fabric roof over next to California, and it will lock into giant hooks in New York and Georgia.
"An excellent idea but it is just a start."
No, I'm sorry, the correct answer is "That would be a stupid project and a huge waste of money."
"I would like to see most of the money being wasted on New Orleans used to build something like the Great Wall of China the entire length of both borders."
The U.S. government helping U.S. citizens in New Orleans is not a waste of money.
Even if we built a 100% effective wall the full length of our borders, deperate people would still come in. You know, sonny, people still come here from Cuba. Even people who are not U.S. citizens have discovered boats. What are you going to do about that, build a wall along all our beaches too?
While I agree that the border needs to be secured, there's ways around building a wall.
I would recommend increasing the density of the local cacti. As someone who has taken several needles in his time, I can vouch for their effectiveness.
Maybe he's still labouring under the misconception that the 9-11 terrorists came from Canada.
NewsFlash, fuckwit, none came from Canada. Most were in the USA already.
As for illegal immigrants coming from Canada, why would we do that? Our economy is as good, if not better, than yours. Where's the benefit? The pleasure of your fundie company?
I'll pass.
The rest of you are welcome to visit anytime.
NotMe: "As if America has the money to do something like that. Well, without removing even more from the important items like education, rebuilding New Orleans and so on."
If PoppaBear is an example of the education system results, use all that money on something more useful, like, I don't know, fireworks.
As a Canadian, I propose a swap. We can send you our very small minority of christian-conservative fucktards, and you can send all the "liberal" pinko commies up here. Then build your fucking wall - 20 feet high - and stay the fuck away from me and Canada!!!!
You little shit, you're in it now
I hope they throw away the key
You should have talked to me more often than you did
But no! You had to go your own way
Have you broken any homes up lately?
Just five minutes Worm your honour, him and me alone
Not touching how that money is a waste. NEEDLESS to say, it isn't.
Soooooo, this wall, to keep labour out and stifle economic growth - have you really thought about this? Do you know what a foreign deficit is? Perhaps, if you want to do something for your country, perhaps you should stop shopping at Walmart. Perhaps you should start campaigning to bring the troops home. Perhaps you should get off your fat ass and go get a construction job in New Orleans.
Tiny Bulcher: Is it? The lyric site I went to gave it as "Hey judge, shit on him" but I suppose it could be mistyped, I'll check the lyrics later.
In all honesty I always thought it was "No judge! The jury!"
Talisman: "What the hell did Canada do to piss you off?"
We legalized gay marriage, isn't that enough?
Mikhail Gorbachev: 'In the words of Ronald Reagan...! '
Also, the Maginot Line: A.k.a. 'The Imaginary Line': for it should've never left the drawing board stage, for all the use it actually was.
50-foot high wall? 51-foot high ladders.
Also, Tunnels. [/Vietcong, North Korea]
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