Paedocritical men are shouting at the bulge in their pants at the thought of climbing into bed with a sexy 14 year old, and all the legal consequences that would follow for them, and paedohysteric woman (and feminists) are shouting at the millions of men who would not even hide the bulge in their pants and openly pursue teenage girls if it wasn’t for the law, the shaming, and the feminist induced hysteria over ‘paedophilia’.
The entire reason it's considered a disorder is that most people are not like that .'s one for the armchair psychs in the audience: why do you never heard about female pedophiles? Is it a reporting bias, a lower detection rate? Are they actually psychologically less common? Is it the old "oh you can't rape teenage boys because they're ALL HORNY ALL THE TIME" bullshit?
@ breakerslion:
What is that? It looks like Salvador Dali met the Village People, possibly at a pride parade. I actually had to double-check we hadn't attracted a new picture-spamming troll, as we do. D:
@Jamaican Castle: Honestly, I think it's a little of both: both that teenage boys are constantly horny and thus incapable of being raped and a bias in reporting that means that fewer female pedophiles wind up in the police stations and news broadcasts.
And Breakerslion's image appears to refer to some Japanese mythological being or other, I unfortunately cannot recall its name at this time.
@ Jamaican Castle and Grey Rook:
They are modern Satyr costumes. It's an interpretation of those found in ancient Greek "comedies." (As the name suggests, they were more satirical, targeting the gross habits of politicians and other powerful people.) The actors would chase young women and boys around the stage. Those chased were sufficiently horrified and motivated to escape. Call them forerunners of Burlesque, and also Harpo Marx's early screen character.
Yeah so the most importent mens rights issue is the ability to screw young people who cannot consent back, ok. What size do you want your jail cell to be?
"Age is just a number"
"Yeah and prison is just a room"
>Yeah so the most importent mens rights issue is the ability to screw young people who cannot consent back, ok. What size do you want your jail cell to be?
"Age is just a number"
"Yeah and prison is just a room"
And Bubba's just a roommate. Hope his anus is prepped. Or not.
Or, maybe, some of us want to have sex with women and not girls.
Honestly, as a teacher, I'm seriously freaked out that people like this exist. I tend to view students as being people I protect. Guys like this seriously disturb my calm, especially since I know some of my students won't make rational decisions
Those episodes of To Catch a Predator is not proof that we should just let men pursue any female they want. Those shows are proof of what you're trying to hide, The Antifeminist.
We know men like you are predators that go after young impressionable teenagers because you want to have control over a young person who doesn't know any better.
Does the above pic of Bettie Page give you a boner, TA? (she certainly tickles my pickle!). If not, then:
A- You're gay.
B- You're a paedophile.
...oh, and Bettie is considered a gay icon, so there's you stuffed, then.
Look I know that girls are out of the oven around typically around the ages of 14-19(16 or 17 are probablythe average age),but please wait until about four to five years to cool off. And if they finish puberty before the ages of 14/15-17 then still wait until they're like 19 or 20. Please just wait for the girls health. men and women are sexy. Not teenagers.
Let's just take the German law on age of consent into consideration. There are no doubt 14 year old girls capable of "consent" with adult men. Teenage girls (14+) in general, most men would prefer them as openly as they would older women, because that's how unrestrained sexuality works.
And unrestrained sexuality needs to be constrained, because of the effects on the people most affected by it. "Age of consent" is not a concrete thing, but something that depends on the individual in question.
I guess I'm not either a "paedocritical man" (btw, that is NOT a word) OR one of the "millions of men" for whom the only reason they're not currently trying to bang some 14-year old girl is the legal repercussions. If I do see an attractive underage girl (talking just physical attractiveness, most aren't, but some certainly are) I don't shout at any parts of my anatomy. With all that said though, I wouldn't pursue anyone that young openly or otherwise, if only because (among the other usual reasons).....well, what in the blue hell would I have common with some teenage girl? I'm 4 months shy of 40, for cryin' out loud.
I guess that what all that boils down to is, I, and most sensible people I think, consider more things than just physical attractiveness in a potential mate.
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