Angel #fundie
Dr Joseph Parker says:
"I'm afraid that is unscientific gibberish. But I do appreciate the attempt."
***Angel says: Thanks, but the attempt was for your enlightenment.
In actuality, it is perfect science. Further, this fact is clearly outlined in the first few chapters of Genesis.
It was (God the Father, force #1) and the (Holy Spirit, the Mother and light, force #2) that lit the world prior to the creation of the sun.
Genesis 1:1 God (the Father) created heaven and earth - Force #1
Genesis 1:2 And the Spirit of God..." Holy Spirit, the mother and light. Force #2
Genesis 1:3 God said, Let there be light and there was light.
Genesis 1:26 Let US make man in OUR image.
The image of God is the Godhead or family unit. :)
And it was the Holy Spirit, the mother who stated, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased" when Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist at the Jordan River. The dove was representative of the feminine aspect of God...the Holy Spirit or Ruach HaKodesh.
Now you're well informed on the relationship between science and creation. :)