Ann Barnhardt #fundie

Bergoglio earlier this week delivered a sermon at Casa Santa Marta in which he called Judas Iscariot a poor, repentant man, victimized and driven to suicide by unmerciful lovers of the law. This stunning attempt to rehabilitate Judas Iscariot, the greatest, most wicked traitor in history and despairing self-murderer, is beyond unprecedented. It reeks of supernatural evil.

This coupled with Bergoglio’s repeated statements that there is no hell, that the worst that can happen to a human soul is that it be simply annihilated at death, and that the possibility of eternal damnation is not part of “the logic of the gospels”, and Bergoglio’s relentless push to keep people from confessing their sins TO CHRIST by convincing them that not only are their sins not sins, but are, as we saw in the Paragraph 303 quote above, God’s will, can not but make one think that Judas Iscariot could be a big player in all of this.


I don’t think people understand how Bergoglio’s serpentine words denying the reality of hell and eternal damnation tie into his Marxism and materialism. Bergoglio casts everything in earthly, worldly, material terms. Bergoglio constantly preaches that material poverty is the worst thing that a human being can experience, and even that “discerning the Body and Blood of Christ” means NOT that a person believes and confesses the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, but rather that one has “greater fellowship with the underprivileged”. What this all does is plant the seeds in the minds of men that any suffering due to lack of material wealth or earthly suffering COULD justify suicide. Life on earth COULD become intolerable, or even just enough below the mean to put suicide on the table as a viable option (no pun intended). Because, after all, the WORST that could happen is the sweet relief of the “big lights-out”, because eternal damnation is “not part of the logic of the gospels”. From here, it QUICKLY becomes an act of “mercy”, and by that I mean the monstosity of “FrancisMercy”, to abort a child that might have to live a life of so-called “underprivilege”, or to “ease the suffering” of a sick, lonely old person.

Finally, Bergoglio, like Judas Iscariot, gives every indication of being embarrassed to rage by the reality of the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist (see John 6), but also goes out of his way to not only backhandedly deny the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist (as in Paragraph 186 of “The Exuberance of Buttsecks”), but also to encourage and incite as many people as possible in open, unrepentant mortal sin to defile the Blessed Sacrament by sacrilegious communion, with the full cooperation and assent of Christ’s priests – the very men tasked with defending Our Lord’s physical substance, like the angel with the flaming sword stationed at the Gates of Eden.

During the exorcism referenced above, it was recorded that Judas Iscariot was the worst offender against the Blessed Sacrament, “constantly trying to somehow destroy or defile it. To manipulate or mutilate it would represent everything [he] had attempted to do in life, and would be in league with the diabolical activity of attempting to taint anything Holy.”

That pretty much describes Bergoglio’s agenda over the past three years.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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