You're welcome to disagree with me. That's what makes Western civilization great!
Indeed, and while I think we'll have to agree to disagree, I'm happy that we manage to do so civilly.
I assume you're referring to the Six Day War. Three of Israel's neighbors ganged up on it, calling for the nation of Israel to be wiped off the map. Israel defended, and occupied some of the surrounding land, providing a barrier between enemy armies and the peaceful Jewish settlements within Israel's borders. I'm sorry, I fail to see the problem with that. If Jordan didn't want to lose Jerusalem, then Jordan could have held off from attacking.
I was thinking mostly of the way Israel took more that was intended in the UN Partition Plan during the 1948 War of Independence and Arab-Israeli War. While I'm a bit fuzzy on the details (high-school history was 10 years ago ^^"), I'm aware that Israel wasn't always the aggressor in subsequent wars. I can see the logic annexing additional territory, particularly if it is to establish safety zones, but it doesn't mean I have to like it/find it a good idea/ethically defensible. Similarly, I can understand Israel's militaristic/aggressive stance, but I can't support it. In fact I could sum my point of view by saying that the creation of Israel was a Bad Idea and all the problems that followed were simply the logical result of realizing that idea.
Get real. Only a complete fool equates Israel with the Nazis. Assuming you're serious - where are the gas chambers? Where are the railroads set up to systematically displace and exterminate people of Arab descent? Did you know that Israel has Arab citizens, who even vote in the Knesset? What nation, Allied or Axis, ever dropped leaflets over European towns before they were bombed, warning residents of the danger and asking them to leave to preserve innocent human life? And yet the Israelis went to the time and expense to do just that during the recent Lebanon war. Israel = Third Reich Germany? Please.
Of course, I'm well aware that they are on a different scale and that Israel certainly isn't conducing systematic genocide, but what I'm arguing is that the underlying idea isn't all that different: one nation for a "chosen race", and I find that a terrible idea to build a nation upon. And you acknowleged the existence of for example "internment camps or lockdowns of the Arab neighborhoods" yourself.
I know that there are Arab citizens in Israel, but from what I understand they tend to get harassed and treated like second class citizens (see here for example).
You think it started with the founding of Israel? 1929 Hebron Massacre
The Arabs were not kind to the Jews, even before the Jews took control of a small strip of desert on the Mediterranean. Israel did not cause Arab Jew-hate. It was already there.
My understanding is that there were indeed already tensions between the Arab and Jewish population of Palestine, mainly because of a movement of systematic Jewish immigration to Palestine, not unlike the illegal immigration phenomenon in the USA, but made worse by the Jewish immigrants/Palestinian population rapport and the declared intention of many of said immigrants to establish a Jewish nation. To quote Wikipedia
, "the Jews in the region increased from 11% of the population in 1922 to 30% by 1940". Things like a British census listing the Arabs as "non-Jewish Palestinians" when Jews were still a minority probably didn't help either. Is it any wonder Arab Palestinians felt invaded? And then, as a result of said tensions, Jewish militias were created, part of them degenerating into terrorist groups (see Irgun and Lehi).
So there was indeed already hate between Palestinians and Jews before the creation of Israel, and probably little sympathy for Jewish settlers in the neighbouring Arab countries, but I'm not sure the Arab/Muslim world at large was actively hating Jews at the time.