First, we need to understand that religion is already taught in public schools. The problem is that Christ is not taught.
* New York and California both teach Islamic studies.
* When I was in school in South Carolina, we were taught that the Christians tried to take over the world and persecuted non-believers (the conquests and the inquisitions). Those were not Christian actions, they were Catholic actions.
* Other schools teach Buddhist meditation and secular humanism
* All schools teach evolutionism.
Oh look, ignorance.
There are almost always optional bible study courses, but here in NY they rarely got enough people to be worth having, but they were still offered.
Normally, I just kind of make a comment and leave, but I have to pick this pile of ignorance apart.
* New York and California both teach Islamic studies.
Hmm, nope. Never taken a class in Islamic studies. I learned what Islam is and how it was formed, but nothing other than the basics. I'm sure a college might have a course, but none that I've seen in any grade school. Unless you mean algebra and any math using the number zero, astronomy, etc. which are all important to learn.
* When I was in school in South Carolina, we were taught that the Christians tried to take over the world and persecuted non-believers (the conquests and the inquisitions). Those were not Christian actions, they were Catholic actions.
So, your particular school in South Carolina is biased towards Christians, then? Because the Inquisition was without a doubt persecution.
* Other schools teach Buddhist meditation and secular humanism
I learned what those words meant, but I never meditated or really did much in the way of practicing secular humanism in the way you speak.
* All schools teach evolutionism."
Aside from the fact that that's not a word, yes public schools do teach evolution, because it is more scientific than just saying "goddidit, the end."
"First, we need to understand that religion is already taught in public schools. The problem is that Christ is not taught."
Not true, Bro. Bumpkin. When I was in high school here in California, I took a class called "The Bible as Literature."
Learning ABOUT a religion is not the same as evangelizing for a religion or proclaiming a religious dogma to be true.
"* New York and California both teach Islamic studies."
So what? As long as those classes are not evangelizing and simply teaching what those religions believe and their histories, that's fine.
"* When I was in school in South Carolina, we were taught that the Christians tried to take over the world and persecuted non-believers (the conquests and the inquisitions)."
Uh huh. What's your point? Islamic history should include the fact that Islam spread across north Africa largely through conquest. The good and the bad should be included in a good history class.
"Those were not Christian actions, they were Catholic actions."
STFU, you shithead. Catholics ARE Christians. Your dinkwad branch of Christianity was spawned from Catholicism.
"* Other schools teach Buddhist meditation and secular humanism"
Meditation is not necessarily a religious practice. Please define what secular humanism being taught in public schools is bad.
" All schools teach evolutionism."
Yes, all public schools should teach the ToE as it is the best supported theory explaining the flora and fauna on today's earth.
Gah! 'Evolutionism' isn't even a word, much less a religion, you utter waste of space.
And Catholics are most certainly Christians. You do not have the monopoly on your religion. The Crusades and Inquisitions were horrific events carried out in the name of <i>your</i> religion, whether you like it or not.
My 9th grade social studies course taught Middle Eastern, Russian, and Chinese history/culture. So yes, we did cover "Islamic studies" and "Buddhism", but only as historical context. Just like Judaism, Christianity [including Eastern and Russian Orthodox], Taoism, Legalism, etc etc.
1. Islam has played a crucial part through out history in Africa, Asia and Europe. To ignore it is criminal.
2. Can I have your source for this?
3. Meditation is a great stress reliver. And isn't secular the opposite of religon?
4. You mean the Theory of Evolution? That's not a religon, that's science. You have to teach science is science class. It just makes sense.
Bearing in mind that Catholics are Christian, that Islamic studies are taught together with Judaism and Christianity as anthropological phenomena, and that Secular humanism and evolution are not religions and that Yoga and meditation, even if invented by buddist are not part of the religious ritual, I can´t see what´s your argument. Of course, there is not Christian teaching like in a Sunday School, but neither religion has that priviledge either.
1. As stated by the others, teaching about a religion is not the same as teaching the religion.
2. I was raised Catholic (I've moved past that now), so having the fundies shift the blame for their sins onto the Catholics as a scapegoat... it makes my urge to kill go up.
3. Again: teaching about the religion is not teaching the religion. And I get the feeling your definition of "secular humanism" doesn't match a secular humanist's.
4. As always, fundies can only deal with things outside their worldview by treating them as religions.
Excuse me, Brother Randy, but, I went to school in South Carolina and I think you are a DAMNED LIAR. No school district in SC is that liberal. But then again, from what I can tell, you went to BOJO U., so "Lying for Christ" would be an undergraduate degree!
Catholics are Christians, Randy. Trying to deny that fact just makes you look stupid, and you really don't need any help in that department. And it's evolution, there isn't any -ism at the end. It's also solid science, so of course any school worth attending is going to teach it.
Hey, I would totally not object to Christian studies in school. Unfortunately, I don't think they'd be biased in your favor, Randy-pants. Deal with it.
* New York and California both teach Islamic studies.- FAIL!
* When I was in school in South Carolina, we were taught that the Christians tried to take over the world and persecuted non-believers (the conquests and the inquisitions). Those were not Christian actions, they were Catholic actions.- Again FAIL catholics are Christians (get it through your heads dumbasses)
* Other schools teach Buddhist meditation and secular humanism- FAIL again come now you cant honestly beleive this
* All schools teach evolutionism.- FAIL wtf is evolutionism?
0 for 4 fundie go get a life
Catholics are christians fuckwad. Whenever you christians do something fucked up, you think by saying they weren't christians seperates you from them. Myself, I just call you all religeous zealots and roll you up with the Islamists as well. Because the real truth is that you guys are no different, willing to kill people until they believe as you do.
The schools that I attended did not teach "evolutionism." It taught both the facts and the theory of evolution.
They also taught Christianity, but only in the same way in which they taught Graeco-Roman mythology, as a background to our culture.
Shell wrote:
WTF is "evolutionism"?
The unpardonable sin of believing that not every word of the King James translation of Genesis chapter 1 is accurate geohistory.
*Islamic studies fall under theology - so does Christianity, and is covered in the same schools.
*Catholicism is a branch of Christianity. Protestant sects branched off from THAT.
*And they cover other religions, too. And they do it as an objective study, not as a conversion method.
*Evolutionism is based in scientific fact, and has nothing to do with any religion. Stop claiming it does.
Classic BR yet again...
* Teaching about Islam in schools (not indoctrination) alongside christianity is bad... how?
* Yeah, you know, seeing how Catholics believe in the divinity and authority of Jesus as well as worship him, one would mistakingly think they were Christ ians. Sorry Randy, you can't revise your bloodthirsty history.
* And some teach creationism and biblical infallibility.
* Nothing wrong with teaching a theory based on scientific evidence.
Sorry, another fail by Bro. Randy.
Of course, you never took a religious course which stated that Catholics, my friend, ARE Christians.
An old thread, although sometimes still a-la-mode somewhere in the US.
My comment is to highlight the important distinction between teaching and promotion or indoctrination. Actual teaching about the major religions is not endorsing a particular one. It's also not denial of their history, like whitewashing the inquisition or claiming that Catholicism, the mainstream Christianity, wasn't Christian. Or denying that evolution is just an important discovery and aspect of the science of biology.
The real problem is your particular ideology, the denial of history and science, your revisionism, that makes you intolerant to reality and actual history. And elitism, pretending that your particular sect of Christianity must be "the true one" (this is called restorationism).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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