Of course, we ALL break [the laws of God] and being a homosexual doesn't make a man a sinner any more or less than being a gossip. Both crimes deserve the death penalty, and only the one who relies on the righteousness of Christ can escape it.
I'm learning more and more as each day passes by reading FSTDT. I've now learned that "American Decency" means to indulge in superstitious malarkey in order to fully express ones sense of right and wrong as it applies to the fulfillment of ones fantasies and self entitlement, where everyday is reverso day. Hooray.
See how I pollute the length and breadth of the internet like a braying numpty part 739696052176199884693001538.
Except that gossip in the Bible does not carry the death penalty. Blasphemy, contempt of court, sacrificing to idols yes; gossip, no.
Don't fundies ever read the Bible?
You do realize that by "death penalty", Johnson means "perdition", yes?
I do wonder what law we inevitably break just by existing, in the RTCs' eyes, though. Is it just not being a carbon copy of God? But that suggests that just being created means you're already worthy only of perdition. (Granted that there WAS one RTC novel I skimmed through which basically claimed that the act of creation, no matter the form of the divinity doing it or the physical and metaphysical laws, INHERENTLY calls for supplying vicarious atonement. I guess the RTCs believe that even before creating Lucifer, God always meant for the Crucifixion to take place, else he wouldn't be able to withstand his own creation somehow...)
@Hasan Prishtina
Except that gossip in the Bible does not carry the death penalty. Blasphemy, contempt of court, sacrificing to idols yes; gossip, no.
My guess is that he's including gossip with "Thou shalt not bear false witness" and is assuming that the default punishment for breaking one of the Ten Commandments is death.
The righteousness of Christ? As in, the guy who decreed that the victimless crime of homosexuality deserves a permanent sentence to Miniluv? Yeah, I have an idea on what you can do with that righteousness.
CJ's Gawd reminds me of that scene in Arkham Asylum where the Joker announces that it is now illegal to walk on the floor, with the penalty being amputation of the legs and being forced to perform magic tricks for the Joker: a crime that is impossible to not commit, followed by some cruel and psychedelic punishment for the amusement of an arbitrary and genocidal psychotic.
being a homosexual doesn't make a man a sinner any more or less than being a gossip
Wouldn't it be nice if whack-job fundies actually believed that, stopped obsessing about homosexuals, minded their own business, concentrated on their own deficiencies and STFU? But that's not going to happen until they abandon the long-disproven idea that gays are out to "convert" children to the "homosexual lifestyle".
"being a homosexual doesn't make a man a sinner any more or less than being a gossip"
Yet, strangely, we don't see religious groups parading about with "God Hates Goss" banners, or trying to have blabbermouths fired from their jobs, or raising hysterical, indignent cries about telltales joining the scouts, or working as teachers.
So I guess if both are equal in God's eyes, the different approaches of Christians to each is nothing to do with religious conviction and is simple bigotry.
Thanks for clearing that up.
So, who is more Christ-like, homosexuals, or gossips?
Jaysus used to hang out with twelve dudes and a prostitute....guess the gossips are getting axed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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