Ken Ham #fundie

(part of Ken Ham's response to the attacks in Paris)

Now, many of the people who are rightly decrying this violence are some of the same people who deny God’s Word—such as atheists. But the only reason that we can ultimately say that what the terrorists did was wrong is because we have an absolute authority. If there is no ultimate authority, then why can’t everyone simply do what is right in their own eyes? Without the Bible as your authority, you have no foundation from which to denounce terrorism as an evil. But when we start with God’s Word as our ultimate authority, we can say that terrorism is wrong because God commands us not to murder (Exodus 20:13). Also, terrorism is wrong because each person is specially created in the image of God and therefore each person has inherent value and worth. Scripture clearly links creation in God’s image to the command not to murder (Genesis 9:6).

What this world really needs is unity on God’s Word! We need to acknowledge God as our Creator, recognize that each of us has a sin nature, and that we need salvation through Jesus Christ and sanctification by the Holy Spirit to conform our desires to God’s Word. Unity through Christ is the only way that this sin-cursed world could ever see true unity (Ephesians 4:11–16).

I encourage you to pray for the French during this tough time. Pray that they will come to understand their need for a Savior and the true unity that Christ brings.



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