Robert #sexist
Given not everyone can afford having more than one woman.. wives, like dogs, when well trained and full of unconditionally love they are a great thing.
As a polygamous Mormon, I can honestly stay that all of my wives (6 of them) are a joy to have. In Mormonism we stress maintaining high levels of physical fitness, we watch what we eat very carefully (Fundamentalist only eat food they have grown them selves) so really if maintained (like a car, or anything really) you can get that "demi more" effect..
Like Masterson said, if a woman is fat, lazy or in any other way undesirable it's because you fucked up and didn't train her properly. Also might I add you are doing a grave disservice to the female as well as your self when you choose not to manage them correctly.
When you do have an old girl who has loyal served you, you grow very attached to her as you would with a pet or that old shirt you keep around because of all the good memories attached to it.. ect.. You don't have to sleep with her, and you normally have a few young ones rearing to go anyhow.