Indeed to most normal men, 14 year old young women are attractive. If you’re implying that any man who perceives (most) such 14 year old young women as attractive is a ‘paedophile’, all you are doing is pushing the agenda of man-hating, sexually jealous, feminist hags
It was only relatively recently, even in our (now highly feminist dominated) society that 14 year olds were LEGALLY married with their own children and such legal marriages were not considered immoral, perverted or indeed as anything related to paedophilia at the time.
Feminists and their bitter, jealousy founded ideologies changed everything related to sex and marriage into the ‘taboo’ that most of our sex-obsessed society believes it is today.
That's why those "normal" men get sent to prison where the dregs of society (as well as innocents who get strung up in our unjust legal system) teach them what it's like to be taken without informed consent.
Also, wouldn't a sex obsessed culture encourage sex with teenagers? Instead of, ya know, looking out for the kid's best interest by making it illegal?
any man who perceives (most) such 14 year old young women as attractive is a paedophile
OK. Technically, you're a hebephile. Better?
"The average age of marriage for most of Northwestern Europe from 1500 to 1800 was around 25 years of age; as the Church dictated that both parties had to be at least 21 years of age to marry without the consent of their parents, the bride and groom were roughly the same age, with most brides in their early twenties and most grooms two or three years older, and a substantial number of women married for the first time in their thirties and forties, particularly in urban areas, with the average age at first marriage rising and falling as circumstances dictated."
Sure, a few people got married in their early teens, but these were outliers, and yes, it tended to get looked on oddly (with the exception of political marriages, where it was understood the marriage wouldn't be consummated until the parties were of age). And having children at 14 would have been vanishingly rare.
I don't know where this idea that people used to get married off at 12 comes from, but it's completely ahistorical.
Didn't we have something very similar to this, quite recently? Is this a new pervert, or the same pervert repeating himself?
Granted, I'm a normal woman, so I'm not sure about the feelings of normal men. But I'd guess that most think that 14-yo's are way too young, and that they get a “icky-pedo” feeling thinking about it. That's what comes to my mind thinking about 14-year-old young men, at least.
Oh, and I'm a man-loving, happily married feminist "hag". Other people having sex doesn’t make me the least bit jealous. As long as it’s between consenting adults, it’s none of my business.
Being attracted to 14-yo's is not pedophilia, but hebephilia, or borderline ephebophilia.
It was only relatively recently, that 14-year-olds of color were LEGALLY bought and sold by plantation owners and other rich people.
It's only relatively recently that girls get so much nutrition that they are through puberty at that age. (Google "fistula hospital", to see what often happens to 13- and 14-year-old women giving birth.)
Feminists have REMOVED more sexual taboos than they have instated, dumbass! With feminism, even women are allowed to enjoy and eagerly engage in sexual encounters.
Indeed to most normal men, 14 year old young women are attractive.
In this case, "most normal men" means pedophiles like Alan Vaughn.
If you’re implying that any man who perceives (most) such 14 year old young women as attractive is a paedophile’, all you are doing is pushing the agenda of man-hating, sexually jealous, feminist hags
Those man-hating, sexually jealous, feminist hags are right.
When the average life span meant that most people would die before the age of 30, marrying young was a necessary component to survival of the species. Now that the average life span is well past 60, there is no need to marry young. Lacking any survival need to marry young, only those who have not evolved would consider pedophilia to be acceptable.
I just read somewhere that marrying very young was never as normal and widespread in the western world as many people believe.
Gonna hit my books, maybe I can give a source later.
Apart from that: "People did it in the old times" is not an argument at all. People in the old times had slaves. Many of them thought nothing of rape and murder. Humanity moves on.
"If you’re implying that any man who perceives (most) such 14 year old young women as attractive is a paedophile’"
To be 100% technically correct, he'd be a hebephile. Take half of 14 and you'll have what many a paedophile would go for.
'Game of Thrones' is quite popular on telly.
I have never heard ANY man say "I'd give that Maisie Williams one." Not ANY man. And if they did say it, they'd at best be ignored and at worst dragged out and beaten up. Not because most men give a toss what feminists think, but because no-one likes a nonce.
Which is what Alan Vaughn is.
Indeed to most normal men, 14 year old young women are attractive.
In the real world, most normal men would find that disgusting.
@Citizen Justin:
Maisie Williams is 17, actually. A whole year over the legal age of consent in the UK. It's more obvious when looking at her out of character.
Denizens of /tv/ like to fantasize about getting a blowjob from Arya Stark, though, not Maisie. So I'm afraid you're actually wrong in two separate ways! -_-
In frontier societies with high mortality rates it is common to "marry" just after puberty and start breeding. A 14 year old would have learned a lot of the cleaning and cooking chores , along with killing chickens and butchering game.
Today we favor education and allow kids mostly to remain children for longer.
Tough it out.
Marriages of children and young teenagers usually belonged to noble families and the marriage had a great deal more to do with political alliances of the families than it had to do with the feelings of the couple involved. Such marriages were not unions based on love or sexual attraction. So when you give your opinions to the judge, let us know what she thinks...
He's technically right. Finding 14 year old girls attractive makes is ephebophilia (sp?). And honestly, as long as someone just finds them attractive and doesn't pull anything, I don't see the harm.
However, reading this persons other quotes, I highly doubt that's the case here...
Well, I'm glad I'm abnormal.
Also, off-topic, but that blog's name is really redundant.
Attractive, maybe. Particularly when dressed in a very mature manner. A suitable partner, no.
And therein lies the difference.
@ OhJohnNo
Bloody hell. On the other hand, I suppose the internet's the internet, and I was referring to saying something out loud, and the men on /tv/ might be only in their teens (I'm middle aged), but still... Shit, way to destroy any faith I had in humanity.
Here's the thing, if "normal" men found 14 year old girls - not young women, girls - to be sexually attractive they wouldn't be calling you names. Normal would imply people calling you names would be quite in the minority but that is clearly not the case. Sexual misconduct with a minor is criminal because the majority find it reprehensible, and it has been thus since before women's sufferage. The fact that men passed this law before women had any legal power whatsoever should be proof enough that punishing child molestation isn't some grand conspiracy to suppresss men.
If feminists hated men they wouldn't be "jealous" of the sex you want to pin down a schoolgirl for. If they wanted more sex they'd just go have sex. If their motivation in life was to be viewed as sexual objects they wouldn't be working so hard to get you to stop viewing them as mindless sex dispensers. What the actual fuck is this fabled "agenda" I keep hearing about? In the same paragraph it's all about having sex and making sure nobody has sex all at the same time. According to every single lonely bastard bitching about women, the entire world is secretly only concerned about sex and all politics, all economics, all law and social convention is actually evenly divided between bragging about your virility or an attempt to cockblock.
Women's lives do not revolve around having sex with men. More to the point nobody's life revolves around your wants. Learn to accept this instead of creating infantile fantasies where society revolves around your singular personal motivation. If that really is the only thing you ever think about then it's no surprise you think women hate you. I find you pretty damned disgusting myself.
Young people can be aesthetically pleasant to look at. Finding them sexually attractive is not uncommon if they meet the same criteria you found sexually attractive at that age. Acting on those conclusions beyond acknowledging they exist and moving on is another matter. That's true even if acting means you just feel guilty about it and beat yourself up over it.
@ swede:
Being attracted to 14-yo's to the exclusion of being attracted to older persons is hebephilia, or borderline ephebophilia.
Being attracted to "most" 14 year olds, without discrimination, is a problem.
"Indeed to most normal men, 14 year old young women are attractive."
"Normal men" must mean "a fringe minority of hebephiles who are desperately using NAMBLA-style reality-denial tactics to give themselves a feeling of legitimacy" in this context.
In which case, I'm glad I don't count as a "normal man."
Uh huh. Define "normal man." And, no, you definitely do not qualify as one.
When in relatively current history was it okay for fourteen year old girls to already be married and spewing out babies? You have to go back quite a ways for that to be socially acceptable at all.
Really like how these guys blame women for statutory rape laws existing. Ladies just want to punish the mens and force them to date the old "hags" who can't get a man when it's legal for them to go after the nubile young girls.
Apart from the fact that women un the pasta, un the popular classes at least, married un the early 20s, I have to tell you that the "teenagers" you see un TV are actually twentysomethings un a not very realistic escenario. Nobody wears those clothes at school and un many cases the bodies are not even fully developped(breasts and hips particularly). Stop justifying tour stupidity
@ OhJohnNo : 19? Yeah, you're OK there mate.
Though the blokes who fantasize about a BJ from Arya Stark probably have castration fantasies.
Take half of 14 and you'll have what many a paedophile would go for.
"Eight 'stoo late."
Alan, what is a "feminist hag"? Any female over 15?
Indeed to most normal men, 14 year old young women are attractive.
According to this guy, the majority of modern day men are deviant weirdos.
Not very self-aware are guys like him.
I'd like to point out that most modern sexual taboos predate the feminist movement, and in fact could be found in Victorian England, when the word hardly existed. I'd also like to point out that the men I know haven't found a 14-year-old attractive since about age 17.
What is it about fundies that makes them think they can speak for everyone? They're like the least qualified people ever to speak for everyone.
I get that PSTDT would be for pedos, but what would MSTDT be?
Blimey, I got some compelling evidence that most men have preferences for adolescent girlz, mates.
Search statistics show that girls about 14 are the most searched for, mate.
In an internet survey in which men were shown pictures of females without being informed of their age, girls about 14 were rated sexually desirable the most often.
In one study men rated female faces about 13 years old the most attractive and other studies show similar results.
"Catch a Predator" usually use girls about 14 as bait because that's what draws the most men.
All of this is in agreement with what biology predicts about male preferences, mates.
Actually, throughout history only aristocratic women were married as early as 14; the average for women of lower classes was in their 20s, just a little younger than the marriage age today. Aristocratic families already had the money and needed to secure the alliance, so they married faster, whereas middle and lower class families didn't need alliances beyond "hey this guy in town is my friend" but needed to save up the money to pay a dowry and/or establish a household. People think everyone got married young because history focuses on the people in power, but anthropology will show you that "every 13-year-old girl in the Renaissance was married" is a complete fiction.
And even those that WERE married usually weren't having sex and children until a few years later, because people in the past weren't morons and, even if they didn't know much about the intellectual or emotional development of children, knew that a 14-year-old was physically less likely to have a healthy baby.
Quit watching Game of Thrones and pick up an actual history book.
"Indeed to most normal men...."
We have a saying in Danish that translates roughly as "The thief is convinced that everyone steals".
You might want to sit for a while and ponder that one, Gospodin Vaughn.
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
Luxembourg (expat Dane)
I went on the site and read the comments. Now that was really creepy. They were talking about woman as though they were just objects to be traded. And judging by their attitudes, if they had lived a few centuries back, they would have certainly bought and sold woman as sex objects. Thank god that most of us have moved on from such attitudes.
I was going to call their attitudes Neanderthal, but I'm pretty certain that Neanderthal men never treated their woman that way.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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