USA prison populations:
Christian: 80%
Atheist: 0.02%
Japan has among the lowest crime rates in the world: Shinto/Zen Buddhist.
Holland: Soft drug use tolerated, also legal brothels, in it's capital Amsterdam. Same-sex marriage legalised in 2001. The lowest rates of teen pregnancy in Europe, if not the world. It is a mainly Protestant country; King William of Orange, and all that jazz.
Ain't Irony a pisser, eh IW? Also paradoxes. >:D
I don't keep coal in the bath, I've never worn a flat cap, and I drink cold beer. But I'm careful wi' us cash, I know the words to "On Ilkla' Moor Baht 'At", and am wont to moan about nowt in particular. 'Appen is there such thing as 'No True Yorkshireman', see thi' by 'eck, that' knows?!
(*Reaches down trousers*)' cease yer faffin' abaht down there, y'bloody ferret! Stop nibblin' me nadgers, y'daft ha'porth! (*Dvorak's "New World Symphony" - the 'Hovis Advert music' - plays in background*) Eeee, well I'll go t' foot o' our stairs! X3