This shirt features a helicopter and a falling man and the words "training to throw communists out of helicopters" and is perfect for showing your love for heroes like Augusto Pinochet and disdain for leftists of all shades while getting swole at the gym.
[ I mage changed to link due to size. –shy]
So the only way to answer monsters is to become...uh...more monsters, I guess. That sounds promising.
You do realise that death squads are, historically, just slightly less disposable to their leaders than the people they kill, right? That you're never, ever normal again if you become accustomed to killing people?
No, of course you don't. You're probably a bored 15-year-old who should be very, very careful what he wishes for.
I kind of want to believe the alt-right's recent obsession with Pinochet and his death squads is just a load of trolling, since large portions of them hail from 4chan and ED. But let's face it, this is absolutely disgusting even if you're joking about it.
Number Two: "So are we 'Right Wing Death Squad' because we rain death down on the Right Wing?
Number One: "No you idiot, we are the Right Wing!
Number Two: "Well, in that case, shouldn't we be, 'The Right Wing's Death Squad?'
Number One: "What the Hell are you talking about? There's only one Wing! How can you have two right wings?"
Number Two: "No, 'Wing's.' Apostrophe s. Denoting the possessive, as in 'We are the Right Wing's death squad.'"
Number Three: "B-b-but, he's Right Wing! If we kill him, doesn't that make us, Plain Old Death Squad?"
@ Psycho Tits:
Also, leaders are, historically, just slightly less disposable to death squads than the people they kill.
Unfeatured military/paramilitary organisations that become accustomed to taking the law into their own hands very often get the idea that they should be the leaders.
Military coups are such fun!
@ Paul Dirac:
Yup. Despotic leaders are also a positive danger to those closest, as they often succumb to paranoia over the very point you raised - that a death squad can become its own creature, and one with no love for its maker.
All things become meat; consumable...their victims, their leaders, their communities, their families, each other, and themselves.
There's an extremely good reason why Chile is a democracy these days.
Just ask Austrian voters after late last year.
Why isn't there a Pinochet 2.0?
I suspect you'd rather throw yourselves out of a helicopter than answer that question.
And in typical e-nazi fashion (fascion?), what was an obscure historical factoid a month ago has already become memed to death. Christ, skimming through alt-right hangouts is like walking through a room filled with evil parrots. *Squawk* Helicopter rides *brawk* Polly wanna save the crackers *cuck-cuck-cuck-bagaawk*.
They really do have a hard on for Pinochet, don't they?
Of course, if they did get their right wing fascist paradise, what makes them think they're going to be the ones in charge?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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