RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com


...Why, because a black man got elected? SO WHAT? They were electing black politicians in the deep south in the 1860s and 70s! And call it a hunch, I suspect it was because they were QUALIFIED, and not because they were BLACK.

It's not a historic triumph, but a historic tragedy, that America elected a president almost entirely because of the color of his skin and in spite of the content of his character. He got there by milking racial division and by attacking and silencing anyone who questioned his past or his politics by accusing them of racism. This isn't a glorious step forward, it's Jesse Jackson race-baiting politics-as-usual.

"It's a historic moment!" .... yeah, so was the Reichstag fire.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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