If a girl dresses imodestly...it is just like baiting a hook. She is tempting someone to take a "bite." She should not be advertising what she doesn't want to sell.
I'm not male, and I'm definitely not a rapist, but I'd think that rapists would find more satisfaction from attacking the ultra-modest naive women who are probably virgins. Of course, that only refers to the slim minority of rapes that occur between strangers.
Apparently no one at T4C knows jack shit about rape statistics.
Women [and some men] want to feel that they are attractive. This isn't necessarily a product of being sexually promiscuous, but even if it was, then it is still up to the man to control himself. To blame the woman is to make men look like loose-cannon uncontrollable sex maniacs which most of the time they are not. If a man cannot keep his tool in his pants then he should be removed and locked up. Allow me to remind you that this is a civilised society.
See my reply to the quote below ("if a girl dresses immodestly [...]"). To be short, you're speaking out of ignorance as to
1. The incentive to commit rape,
2. Statistics on rape, and
3. The emotional effects of rape.
Way to start a month off.
They just love trying to point attention away from where/with-whom the majority of rapes occur eh?
What's wrong? I thought "god will forgive you", its a "christian nation" isn't it? Go on, you can tell us what you did, little fundie, we promise the FBI won't mind!
many old women get raped. many very very old women get raped. who wants to fuck an old chick besides someone with a severe mental sickness? rapists aren't looking for who looks the prettiest, they're looking for the most vulnerable person out there. this can mean old people, handicapt people or just some lone woman in the parking lot.
Apparently no one at T4C knows jack shit about rape statistics. fundies reject science, so they aren't going to check up on the latest statistics. they're just going to say what they think is right without backing it up and yadayadayada. of course they don't know about rape statistics.
oh my fucking god. just realized this, but the thread is a poll, 46 people took the poll, and 100% of the people voted yes with bro randy. talk about a fucking cult. ah god and the rest of the thread makes me want to puke.
Of course fatass Kellie has to agree with her fatass husband Randy. Did you notice Randy's own attempt at rape apologetics?
"I honestly believe that you young ladies will never understand the power you have over men through the way you dress. If you even had a slight bit of the smallest clue of the effect you have over a man by they way you dress, there would never be an issue of modesty among ladies who really want to serve God again. I wish I could explain more, but I cannot in mixed company. Just take my word for it.
Take my word for it is just another way to say I know this is bullshit but please don't ask me to elaborate.
Why the fuck is rape the ONLY CRIME where the victim is blamed?
If a man is mugged, no one says he was "asking for it" by dressing nicely or wearing an expensive watch.
My body is not a fucking commodity. It can't be sold. My services concerning my body can be sold, but my body itself can't be. It belongs to me.
I fucking hate you, Mrs Kellie. I fucking hate you even more than rapists. Because at least they know what they're doing is wrong. You fucking apologize for them and blame the poor girl they terrorized and possibly murdered.
EDIT: Further along in the post, we have this:
that is what half of these girl that go around crying "rape" have done
they chose to dress the way they did to get a guy to sleep with them then all of the sudden when they felt "uncomfortable" they decide it is rape when really they had the intentions all along to sleep with the man
If I decide in the middle of sex that I don't want to do this anymore, and I vocalise the desire to end the sex immediately, anyone I'm having sex with had better get the fuck off of me. If (s)he doesn't stop, it's rape.
And of course, here comes the voice of reason to correct the silly opinions of the little girl...
Oh, right, what was I thinking. This is T4C, and an authority figure is more likely to spout even more idiotic bullshit.
Mrs. Kellie never fails to disappoint in that department.
But the rapist gets to marry her afterwards, right? That is, according to the bible. So it's no wonder fundies have a lax attitude towards rape. The bible teaches; women aren't worth as much as a man, they are more "unclean", they are the cause of man's sin, they are more of a commodity then human, they are to be sexually used but they should NEVER enjoy sex themselves, they are whores at heart and they have 'magical' powers over men, who according to fundies have a tenuous grasp on their basest urges. Men have these urges of course, because of Eve messing up humanity and introducing evil into the world for all time, making her the scapegoat for satan, hell, death, evil, pain, toil and whatever other discomfort one can imagine.
Then again, you're someone who follows and fucks a cult leader.
So, not only you´re considering guys like idiots unable to controll their urges, but you´re admitting that women "sell" their bodies?, that they´re like prostitutes or objects?
"I honestly believe that you young ladies will never understand the power you have over men through the way you dress. If you even had a slight bit of the smallest clue of the effect you have over a man by they way you dress, there would never be an issue of modesty among ladies who really want to serve God again. I wish I could explain more, but I cannot in mixed company. Just take my word for it.
So Bro. Randy has rape fantasies every time he sees a fashionably dressed girl?
Thanks for letting your teenaged congregation know about that character flaw, Randy.
Why, Mrs. Kellie, I'm amazed that you don't advise girls to dress provocatively and hang out in dark city streets late at night, maybe wearing a "Rape Me" sign, and with dad and some other menfolk lurking nearby. That way, if they catch the rapist, they can force him to pay the father and marry the girl. That's good for the family's income (which can be shared with the church), gets the girl married off, and it's the method endorsed in the bible . Glory!
So you only wear a burqa, then?
Yea, I didn't think so.
And I'd like to see you make this argument to the nursing-home resident (a nearly crippled elderly woman) that was sexually assaulted by the male caretaker in NJ. I assume an old bathrobe over a flannel dress is "dressing provocatively"?
Apparently us men are savage rape crazy animals who can't control themselves when they see a little bit of female flesh. Seriously, it's like they actually expect people to believe that an otherwise normal person would sneak a peak at some woman's legs or cleavage and go into an uncontrollable rage of lust.
It's one thing to criticize women who wear revealing outfits and complain about men always looking at them or hitting on then (which I might agree with in some cases), but to suggest that they're causing rape is absurd.
Kellie, do you know what happened here in sweden some year ago?
Two girls were raped in the middle of the winter. It was -34 degrees C, so they wore alot of clothes, their faces was the only visible skin, barely even that.
Now, please tell me, how were they dressing "tempting" and provocatively?
So if a girl has large bosom and tries her damndest to cover them up, so as not to be "advertising what she doesn't want to sell" and yet her shirts still cling to her chest is she inviting some sick, pervy rapist to "take a bite"?
Mr.s Kellie,
you have statedn that you are your husbands "personal maid". This is depressing enough on top of this comment you have just made. It seems to me that you have some serious issues with todays women and hey guess what...not all the girls who dress immodestly get raped. In fact I know a rape victim who dressed very modestly. Rapists are very sick people and get what they want from the nearest source not the least dressed. Now then, I think I hear your "taskmaster" calling you to do his bidding. Hopefully itll be to stay off the computer and stop making these retarded posts.
@Old Viking
In response to provocatively dressed young ladies I tried to join Rapists International. Flunked the damned physical.
You should have tried to join when you were still a young and fit Viking ;-)
As for Mrs. Kellie, she needs to have a molten lead enema...
Here's what I want to know Kellie. How is it, that you have all of this time to be bangin' away on the computer, when you could be doing something useful for your husband? Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying that you don't do anything. Obviously you cook pretty well, because he is such a fat tub of shit. That is of course unless Randy has been getting into your stash of edible eatin' panties again. But you could be knitting him a nice cock warmer instead of wasting your time in front of a computer screen all day long. What kind of a servile wife are you anyway? What would baby jeebus say about the likes of you? Bad wife, bad.
Actually, it's been proven that most rapists target women that are dressed plainly because these women are less likely to have people paying attention to them. Also, if a woman is dressed immodestly that doesn't give anyone the right to rape her. The responsibility shouldn't fall on the rape victim just because some low life scumbag who's too repulsive to get laid or resents women because he had a bitch for a mother or some fucking megalomaniac who gets his kicks from humiliating others just HAD to get his fix of power.
I know, and those people who have a big plasma TV visible form a window are just tempting burglars. They, too, are obviously at fault.
I have just two words that completely annihilates your argument, Kellie; it's a concept that is supposed to be in the psychological makeup of all human men who dare call themselves, normal, decent, civilised human beings:
Self control.
Ergo, by your own admission, Kellie (and all your fundie ilk), all men - especially those who dare call themselves 'Christian' - who commit the unimaginable crime of raping a woman, are subnormal, inferior subhumans. Who represent a clear and present danger to normal, decent, civilised society, and therefore should be removed from such, for the sake of not only women, but humanity as a whole. QED.
Honesty. So refreshing in a fundie.
Nonononononono, real life is not like Hentai, most men in the 3D world have self control...
... while the rest have God/Allah/YHWH/whatever to "forgive" them.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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