theantifeminist #sexist

@Evans – Having read your comment in full, and having the best laugh I’ve had in ages, I’m pretty sure it’s obvious to everybody that you’re a woman. If you really are a man I’d put money on you being a hardcore paedophile. The Manosphere might be full of paedocrites but there is no way even the worst would use language such as :

“I’m not even attracted to women under 23 or 24, I like a mature woman who knows how to talk about something smart and have a stable relationship, not that she spend the day playing the xbox and talk about kid’s things.”
How sad is a woman posing as a guy in order to shame other guys for preferring younger females? Stop employing your Daddy State to imprison and rape men (and teenage girls) just because you can’t attract a decent mate in your life. You disgusting rapist feminist whore.



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