Hi, R.D. Fuerle here. I am not going to reply to all the criticisms of my book, some of which are for assertions I don't think I made, but I just wanted to clarify a few points. In Chapter 23, I try to make the case that man evolved from a Eurasian ape, not an African ape. The only connection between the human lineage and Africans is that very early Eurasian man migrated into Africa and interbreed with an African ape, producing hybrids. Subsequent migrations by more evolved Eurasians into Africa and interbreeding with the hybrids there brought more Eurasian alleles in to Africa. Several times I say that man never left Africa except as slaves. As to sibling incest, I am not advocating it and find it repulsive, but the scientific case for it being genetically harmful in the absence of deleterious recessive alleles (DRAs) is weak or non-existent. The only reason this comes up is that those who advocate race mixing argue that it is genetically beneficial since it is far away from inbreeding, which they believe is inherently harmful.
By the way, I know there are errors in the book and I appreciate those who have brought them to my attention. I have corrected the ones I am aware of in the free internet version and will try to publish a corrected hard copy in a few years. RDF
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