Thanks for sharing.
Last year I went to the funeral of a 16 year old neighbor girl who committed suicide and whose family were unbelievers. The funeral included an announcement that a particular distant star had been officially named in the girl's honor. There was no mention of God. It was so depressing. I bawled through the entire service.
Faithwon, your story gives real hope to Christians who grieve over seeing others die apparently without Christ.
The remaining unbelieving family members wouldn't take comfort in that though. But they still have time...
wow... You were "depressed" not because of a 16 year old thought ending their life was the best choice of action. But that was no mention of god.
I hate you, it's times like this I wish hell was real and pricks like you would burn in it.
What I find more depressing is most likely it was her being a atheist, I'm assuming she was anyway, might have caused her to be out cased by fundies like you. Leading up to her suicide. I don't know where it was so I can't say, but still wouldn't surprise me.
Again, I hate you and hope there is a hell for pricks like you.
Everyone dies without your imaginary friend, including you.
You still have time to stop squandering your finite existence. I doubt you have the intelligence to do so.
In the future morons like you will be extinct.
So you were saddened not by a poor young girl ending her life, but the fact that she wasn't converted to your belief system before she passed?
At least you had the decency to keep such disgusting and cruel thoughts to yourself at the funeral, you cunt.
Yes, no mention of God at a funeral for a young girl. HMM, I WONDER WHY.
Ever occur to you that maybe the parents were more concerned with the DEATH OF THEIR DAUGHTER?
So, you cried not because the girl died, but because she happened to believe in different things.
And they wonder why we like to compare them to vultures.
And just what exactly were they supposed to say? That she is now burning in hell because she committed suicide? Because she didn't believe?
You people are nothing but snivelling sneaking hyena's always circling, always bothering, always waiting to steal anything they can sink your teeth into.
Meanwhile, at my Grandmother's funeral over the Summer the Priest told a group of aging pensioners that they still had time to accept Jebus and that "God loves those who fear him." Asshole.
Funerals are the perfect time for the cretins to recruit as people are scared of their own inevitable death.
I did manage not to punch the Priest, but only just.
Shouldn't it be sad and depressing because, you know, someone died...?
I still don't get how they can believe God is good and great if he'd send a 16 year old who committed suicide to hell forever for not having the "right" beliefs...
Last year I went to the funeral of a 16 year old neighbor girl who committed suicide and whose family were unbelievers. The funeral included an announcement that a particular distant star had been officially named in the girl's honor. There was no mention of God. It was so depressing. I bawled through the entire service.
What, exactly, did you expect from a funeral for a young suicide, if not grief? Grief is a normal process; attempting to bypass it by belief in insane mythology is not psychologically healthy.
The Atheist Arthur C. Clarke left instructions, upon his death, that his funeral would be a non-religious one. Nor did he want people to grieve for him.
So when I heard he'd died, I read a couple of his books, and later watched on DVD "2001: A Space Odyssey". And marvelled at his imagination, and toasted his memory with a drink, and a smile. I celebrated him being the Shakespeare of Sci-Fi, and how his forward thinking left a legacy that has helped to change the world forever.
Just consider that fundies, next time you make a long distance phone call. Because he came up with the concept of telecommunications satellites. Indeed, when Telstar was made, who did they appoint as the project's technical advisor?
Every time you do phone someone in another country, you celebrate the life of a man who died without the need of a 'Christ'.
And who did more to change the world.
Well, if I found you at some child's funeral telling the grieving parents that their kid is in hell and they'd better get on their knees and pucker up for the Lord, I'd be pretty pissed, not to mention not taking comfort in that.
I wouldn't want God mentioned at my funeral. Why would I? It's meant to be about the dead, not their belief system. Fuck, talk about the person, what they did, and what they accomplished. Don't take away from it by talking about god.
Because if she was a "believer", but still so depressed and lost that suicide was the only way she saw out, it'd all be roses and rainbows. Hooray for her! She loved God! She's still dead, but her family need not be sad because she believed in
-invisible pink unicorns
-flying spaghetti monsters
-your specific god
I must find out where this funeral was and who put it together. I fear that mine may include mentions of imaginary deities without me there to give the ol' stinkeye.
At my grandpa's funeral, we discussed his eventful life and how he touched all of us.
No need to fill in time with God.
I'm sorry, did you just say the fact that God wasn't mentioned throughout the service was more depressing than your neighbour committing suicide?
Fuck you. Fuck you very much.
Heaven forbid that a funeral be sad. And heaven forbid that a funeral be about the person who actually died, and mourning their loss, dealing with the tragedy, rather than washing over the entire ordeal with platitudes about invisible agents at work and arcane Bible quotes that seem to be spewn out at random.
For fucks' sake, your religion claims that suicide is wrong because it is 1. a sin and 2. gives no time for repentance from that sin, thus effectively damning you to an eternity of hellfire. Want to make a more depressing service? Bring up the hellfire and damnation bit up slightly more while the young corpse is laid to rest, and then try to pretend that your religion is nothing but a source of hope and comfort.
Um, according to your theology, that girl is now burning in Hell. I'd think mentioning God would've been more depressing than not, considering that.
At my paternal grandmother's funeral we mostly talked about her, her life, her warmth, her humanity. We laughed and cried, sometimes simultaneously. It WAS in a church, the priest was the son of her best friend, and God might have been mentioned once or twice. But mostly it was about her, my wonderful, darling grandmother. My sister and I took turns to cry our hearts out and comfort each other, during the sermon. Together, we did bawl through the entire service, for HER.
“Last year I went to the funeral of a 16 year old neighbor girl who committed suicide and whose family were unbelievers. The funeral included an announcement that a particular distant star had been officially named in the girl's honor.”
Would you rather they killed a few flowers for her?
“There was no mention of God.”
None at my dad’s funeral, either. Heavy on family.
“It was so depressing. I bawled through the entire service.”
A teen suicide and you’re depressed that they didn’t invite the Great Spirit they don’t believe in to the rite. Fuck off.
“Faithwon, your story gives real hope to Christians who grieve over seeing others die apparently without Christ.”
Well, that’s the important thing, isn’t it? That your faith is supported.
“The remaining unbelieving family members wouldn't take comfort in that though. But they still have time...”
Oh, die under a collapsing bridge. Their afterlife disposition is none of your business. Just cheer yourself at the thought you’re superior. And go hang out under bridges.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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