Swedish Muslim gang #racist everydayantisemitism.com
A Swedish mother of four has allegedly been attacked by a Muslim gang for wearing a Star of David necklace.
TLV Faces, a Jewish news outlet, has reported that Anna Sjogren was attacked while walking through a neighbourhood with a high Muslim population.
Sjoren told the WZO Centre for Countering Antisemitism:
“A Muslim girl saw that I was wearing the Star of David on my neck and she started swearing at me and spat in my face. I got very upset and pushed her off”
“There were at least ten witnesses to the attack. All ten of them were wearing hijabs or scarfs in the colors of the PLO. Some surrounding witnesses claim that I ‘tripped’ and fell and that no one hurt me. It’s just unbelievable.”
“Before we got to the hospital, one of the attackers gave me threatened me saying, ‘shut up or we’ll kill you.’”
She was apparently hit with a sharp object by another girl in the crowd. When she arrived at hospital she had been beaten so badly she could not talk or see.
Sjoren was initially afraid to go to the police, saying “I cannot go to the police. The worst thing is that they will get my name and address. They’ll know where to find me and know and know I am the Jew who reported it.”
Writing on her Facebook page, Sjoren said “The Star of David is extremely meaningful and significant. I will never take it down no matter what happens. When other Facebook users show support I will stand up proudly for Israel, I will never let any one silence me. Am Yisrael Chai. We will never forget and never forgive”.
Sjoren is due to speak to the Security Organisation of the Jewish Community on Monday.