Bluegrass Girl, or Bluegrass G.I.R.L?
Should women go to college? If the women in question want to, and meet the requirements, yes.
ALL women will never attend college. All men don't attend college either. Some people don't even attend lower education, but are home-schooled.
Society has made us all think that everyone should have a right to attend college (if they meet the requirements, of course).
You will "be something" if you don't go to college. You'll BE less educated, less knowledgeable, less experienced.
Isn't God also an "other" telling us what to do?
You think women should be under guardianship of a male, like in Saudi Arabia? Why don't you move there?
How many young adults can leave home at 17 or 18? I Sweden, it's hard in many places to find a place to live near school or work, so they are forced to live with their parents well into adulthood. It's called "mambo", i.e. Mother-Living.
I had lived with my then-future husband for 6 years before we married, and been together with him for ten years by then. Sure, my dad walked me down the isle, but it was more a good-luck walk, or a fare-thee-well walk.
The future husband used to buy the bride from the father, in some places. In other places, the bride's father paid the groom's parents. It was a business transaction, not a gift.
Yes, OH yes, women did and do think they are not so different from men, and deserve to have the same rights and opportunities and salaries as men have. Women (and some (most?) men) have the radical notion that women are people too!
Children went to school before women went to work, dolt, and women went to work long before the feminist movement. Stay at home moms and dads going off to the office is a very short period of human history. For most of it, people worked on their farms, all the family, all the time. Regularly, the parents went to market to sell their produce, and left the oldest child in control of the farm. Children went to school long enough to learn to read and write, know the Catechism and obedience towards the King.