If by 'dating' you mean going out to have fun and enjoy the company of one person of the opposite sex in a romantic relationship, then there is no place for it in the Christian's life.
Yeah, you should only be miserable and unhappy with people of the opposite sex in a romantic relationship. That's the key to a happy, holy marriage.
Why do I get the feeling Mrs. Kellie (or whichever one has the misfortune of being married to this cretin) was purchased from some impoverished Eastern European nation?
"If by 'dating' you mean going out to have fun and enjoy the company of one person of the opposite sex in a romantic relationship, then there is no place for it in the Christian's life."
Fuck that, then.
See, what you don't understand is that Bro. Randy is an ascetic. He realizes how holy it is to deprive yourself of normal human interaction until you become a hyper-introverted emotionless freak like those Eternal Ambition spammers from a few years ago claimed to be.
Aw, screw it. He's a jackass more than anything else.
On the other hand, if you want to have a bible study and talk about mass-rapes, genocide, the eating of small children, the shunning of the handicapped, the murdering of men who won't impregnate their brother's wives, how to poke an awl through your slaves ear to mark him as your property, how to properly beat ones slave, the monetary value of human life, raising animals to kill and burn, or why god has a "If I can't have him, no one will" attitude that pushes him to threaten eternal suffering for finite crimes, then its okay as long as you both wear snowmobile suits and converse via eavesdropped phone calls from the next room.
God put us here to suffer, damnit! Stop going around having more fun than me!
Who was it who defined puritanism as the lurking fear that somebody, somewhere, is happy?
Because, you know, in Bro.Randyland´s fun is sin, even if it was made by Jesus herself and his disciples(who enjoyed, like Peter, many romantic relationships)
Thiss from a guy who left his last church cause they preached against gluttony!
ROFLMAO. Yet another shining example of how God is disgusted and appalled by sin, except when it's the sin you yourself are guilty of being caught up in. Then it's just a case of your church misinterpreting the Bible or something.
Ayatollah Randy, indeed.
ROFLMAO. Yet another shining example of how God is disgusted and appalled by sin, except when it's the sin you yourself are guilty of being caught up in. Then it's just a case of your church misinterpreting the Bible or something. Or it's a metaphor :p.
Because it is a Christian's duty to live a joyless life of being shackled to someone you don't know or care about, and to live secluded from the big, scary Real World. Right?
Honestly, with this guy's post record, he looks more and more like David Koresh every day.
Un-freakin'-believable. I wish I could believe that at least he'd be likely to lose a few of his followers when they bump headfirst into such a restriction; but in fact, I'm pretty sure that all it will do is tighten their resolve -- and simultaneously increase their chances of committing acts of heinous hypocrisy eventually.
~David D.G.
No such luck, David D.G.
He has his flock well trained, their response, even to the most ludicrous statement, is invariably "Amen, Bro. Randy!!!"
at JP: well I thought he meant carbon dating at first.
Bro Randy obviously wants all the girls' fathers to arrange their marriage to an older, good Christian man *wink*
So how are Christians supposed to find someone to marry and make other little Christians with?
Oh wait, good idea. Christians shouldn't date, that way they will hopefully go extinct.
See, when I started reading this, I thought his description was going to be juxtaposed with a sexualized definition that would then be contrasted as 'not okay.' How could I so underestimate fundyhood.
Thiss from a guy who left his last church cause they preached against gluttony!
Seriously? *laughs until she cries*
Oh Randy, the more I learn about you, the more I realize what a twisted, stale little cruller you are.
I see. So, the only thing that would have a place in a 'Christian''s life would be the deliberate shunning of the opposite sex until it's time to indulge in robotic PSEs with the specific intention to procreate?
Sounds like you have a really hot, happy and happening love-life.
"If by 'dating' you mean going out to have fun and enjoy the company of one person of the opposite sex in a romantic relationship, then there is no place for it in the Christian's life."
Good, because I enjoy going out to have fun and enjoy the company of one person of the SAME sex in a romantic relationship!
How 'bout them apples?
So this means that if you enjoy the company of one person of the SAME sex, it would all be dandy...
Well...then go shoot yourself
... So what's the point of that quickening of the heartbeat?
Oh wait, that's the devil leading you to sin!
No, you should just go to the father of a young woman and give him three goats and a cow for her, or rape some young woman and pay her father for the theft of his property's virginity, like normal Christians always do.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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