Michael Relfe #fundie educate-yourself.org
How You Can Prevent Alien and Military Abductions
1. Ask God to send angelic protection for the house that we were living in and to seal it off from the attacks of the enemy.
“Heavenly Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you in Jesus name to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of billions of legions of angels to surround and encamp around this house and within striking distance of this house and set up angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields and angels to seal this house off from creation.
In Jesus name Father I ask you to send angels to bind up all the free demons trapped inside this house when the shield is closed and to send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus name.
In Jesus name Father I ask you to break, destroy, cut, dissolve, and sever every line of remote viewing, energy drain, energy supply, remote influence, command and control and surveillance that the enemy would try to put through this shield. In Jesus name, Father I ask you to make this shield impregnable to all the attacks of the enemy”.