I am saying if you do not think you would ask God to spare your life when face with a terrible disease like aids, I am asking you to allow me to pray that God strike you down with aids, cancer or whatever it takes for you to beg and or grovel for your life. Why? To simply prove the point that there are no atheist when you are staring down the barrel of eternity. That is how I know those 'elite controllers' were healed. Because I know they prayed. Even the ones who thought they were atheist.
I'm not just talking about " a bad day, week, month, or even year." Again the offer is if you think you can, you will stand firm in your beliefs and not beg for mercy/life just say the word, and I will ask God to infect you with something or place you in a situation where you can find out for yourself.
Just know I generally get what I pray for.
Go for it. In fact I'm tempted to sign up on the atheist forums just to tell him that, butI'm sure I've been beaten to it.
I'm certain that if there is a god, he would do exactly what you want, no matter how mean spirited and unchristian just because you asked him to.
In the unlikely event that I am indeed faced with some form of final judgement upon my death I have no fear because I have spent my life helping others. In fact, I have never willingly harmed another human being and on the few cases I have accidentally harmed another human being I have made amends. What's more I have lived my life this way because I possess the human qualities of empathy and altruism and I will stack them up against blind subservience to a myth any day of eternity.
I am asking you to allow me to pray that God strike you down with aids, cancer or whatever it takes for you to beg and or grovel for your life.
Assuming your god is the benevolent, omnipotent, omniscient type, do you think he's going to be impressed with this sort of request? You believe; your interlocutor doesn't - if I were you, I'd be a bit more careful about your own eternal salvation.
there are no atheist when you are staring down the barrel of eternity
There speaks someone with little experience of people dying. There's something besides belief and extinction that distinguishes them from you; they had dignity.
Oh, it's the "No atheists in foxholes" myth again.(Well, a variation of it.)
And if your god is omnipotent and all-knowing, I highly doubt he'd need to give me cancer and make me beg for my life in order to get me to believe in him.
If he exists and wants me to be a believer, I suppose he'll show himself some day. In the meantime, I'll stay atheist.
I worked with several hospice patients who remained solid in disbelief to the very end
I asked one 90 year old cancer patient I she felt she was ready and she said, "well, I'm comfortable, my affairs are in order, and I don't believe in an afterlife so I'm not worried about that"
We became good friends in the weeks leading up to her passing and her family commended me to the board of nursing
What the fuck... You pray that someone gets horribly ill so they "find" god? Nice Christian loving threat, there. This a-hole's bubble is easily popped as there are plenty of atheists who die and don't hump Jesus's leg before taking the big nap.
Drich should just call himself dick and be upfront about what he really is.
Hi Lord Athe,
Do you mind if I pray to the so called King of the Universe for a while? They say He'll answer my prayers. Thanks my Lord.
Dear Bible Lord, I humbly beseech thee to listen to my obsequious prayer.
If it would please thee, my Lord, couldst thou in thy infinite wisdom, O thou most perfect of genocidal maniacs, grant me immunity from death, for I have much sinning to do, some of which, you'll be happy to hear, involves much monetary profit, and could do with much more time in which to do it.
O my dear Celestial King on thy most high and mighty cumulus, please hear my insincere prayer and grant me my most groveling plea.
For I know that thou hath heard the groveling of Drich and thou hath granted him or her his or her desires.
For instance, thou hath granted him or her his or her blatant stupidity and his or her dribbling inanity.
Proof positive, my mighty Lord of Deceit, that thou art champion of the mentally ill and guardian to the weak of mind.
Cheers Lord Athe, one never knows.
Good ol' Drich, or as we call him on AF, Drippy.
Honestly I don't know what's going on in his mind, but in that thread he just seemed to melt down and go off the deep end.
Make me wonder, if there were a God, what he'd think of one of his followers making a prayer like this.
"I am asking you to allow me to pray that God strike you down with aids, cancer or whatever it takes for you to beg and or grovel for your life."
- Go for it. Knock yourself out. Get a prayer circle together and call on your god until you are blue in the face for my agonizing demise. You would not be the first nor the last.
I had a cancer scare a couple years ago.I was too busy being worried about my husband and my dog and getting pissed at the hospital for taking more blood samples than really necessary to even think about praying. Meanwhile, my father-in-law was no doubt praying I'd snuff it on the table. Guess what? The cyst was benign and I'm still alive!
I am asking you to allow me to pray that God strike you down with aids, cancer or whatever it takes for you to beg and or grovel for your life.
Go on then... go for it. It'll show that you have no morals, and are quite happy to utterly violate the word of the same God you are praying to... but that'll teach the nasty immoral evil "atheist" how loving Christians really are, right?
Just know I generally get what I pray for.
Well! You're just God's little badass prayer warrior, aren't you?
Pray away, little badass, pray away.
Just know I generally get what I pray for.
Not just pompous and self satisfied, but also a lying one of these:
Your parents must be bursting with pride over the useless asshole they've raised.
Then we are at an impasse. If you are wrong, I will remain unconvinced. And if you are right, any God who would answer such a prayer is a monster, and certainly not worthy of my worship.
Remember that old Biblical favourite, Leprosy ?:
'A number of leprostatic agents are available for treatment. For paucibacillary (PB or tuberculoid) cases treatment with daily dapsone and monthly rifampicin for six months is recommended. While for multibacillary (MB or lepromatous) cases treatment with daily dapsone and clofazimine along with monthly rifampicin for twelve months is recommended.
MDT remains highly effective, and people are no longer infectious after the first monthly dose. It is safe and easy to use under field conditions due to its presentation in calendar blister packs. Relapse rates remain low, and there is no known resistance to the combined drugs. '
Can you say 'Smallpox Eradication Program, from 1950-80', especially since the last death from the disease was in 1977, [b]and Smallpox now exists [i]only[/i] in culture flasks in labs, with debate in the scientific community to this day on if these cultures should be kept for future medical virological treatment research, or to make an entire species of virus [i]extinct[/i]...?[/b]
It was announced just a few days ago that Gene Therapy could cure certain forms of heart disease.
How long before - especially via Gene Therapy - another source of righteous indignation is cruelly torn away from you fundies, re. HIV/AIDS? And already - if it's diagnosed early enough - anti-retroviral drugs can arrest the onset of HIV.
The gaps, they keep on a-being filled. Smallpox? Science - 1. God - 0. 'Leprosy'? Doctors are now Jesus.
Yay for Doubting Thomas! This one definitely deserved to be in a hall of shame for outright epic retardation. But then, everything Drich says, does. He's the reason I made a profile on AF.org in the first place, because he was arguing that killing babies is moral so long as god decrees it.
This guy's definitely a piece of work, oh yes. And I can verify that he believes each and every single word that he speaks.
I am saying if you do not think you would ask God to spare your life when face with a terrible disease like aids, I am asking you to allow me to pray that God strike you down with aids, cancer or whatever it takes for you to beg and or grovel for your life.
Knock yourself out, but when it doesn't work, at least be a man and admit it.
Why? To simply prove the point that there are no atheist when you are staring down the barrel of eternity.
How the fuck would you know? Have you ever watched an atheist facing down a terminal disease, or are you just talking out your ass?
That is how I know those 'elite controllers' were healed. Because I know they prayed. Even the ones who thought they were atheist.
First, you "know" this how? Second, Atheism is a binary position, either you believe or you don't, there is no one out there who "thought" they were an atheist and then spontaneously began to pray to a god they don't believe to exist.
I'm not just talking about " a bad day, week, month, or even year." Again the offer is if you think you can, you will stand firm in your beliefs and not beg for mercy/life just say the word, and I will ask God to infect you with something or place you in a situation where you can find out for yourself.
Like I said, you are welcome to try. But I have to ask, why should anyone need to beg for mercy from a supposed "loving god"?
Just know I generally get what I pray for.
Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? If so, what makes you think that an atheist who thinks your "god" to little more than a figment of your imagination is going to be the least bit intimidated?
Moreover, if this miraculous claim were true and not simply a hollow "My Invisible Friend Will Kick Your Ass" threat, then just how worthless and shallow a person are you? If you do indeed "get what you pray for" then why are you wasting your time being petty and spiteful? Why are you not praying to end famines, praying for starving children to have food, praying for a peaceful end to any of the worlds numerous bloody conflicts, and why are you not praying for relief for the millions of people who suffer from chronic and incurable conditions that leave them in constant pain?
Drich, I think one Christopher Hitchens would like to have a loud, angry, atheist word with you from the non-existent afterlife.
" Again the offer is if you think you can, you will stand firm in your beliefs and not beg for mercy/life just say the word"
I'm an atheist, but dying does scare me, so I can admit that there is a chance that I would make some desperate attempt to appeal to a higher power.
But it wouldn't prove that i'm really a true believer, or that god exists. All it would prove is that i'm really scared of dying.
At the end of the day, a deathbed conversion is no different from a tortured confession. In as much that someone who is tortured/dying will probably say anything if they think it will stop.
You know, sweetheart, when somebody does something so despicable as to with somebody's death, a capital sin according to the Church, by the way, whether it is through prayer or via words, it speaks volumes of the person who does that and maybe it's the reason why they're so mad at you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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