Guelder #fundie

(In a discussion on Gernan Neonazi Otfried Best wanting to replace arabic numberals with "normal" ones)

I also support banning Arabic numerals

... First, Arabic numerals are better suited for math and already used worldwide. Second, it isn't even Arabic. Third, proper Latin numerals can't exactly describe numbers bigger than one million. Or the number zero. Fourth, do you seriously want to do 45,278,629 multiplied by 964 with Latin numerals?

There's practicality and common sense involved in this equation.

I understand your point, but in my opinion, Arabic does not belong to Europe and America, and about the fourth point: No, i only want the current 123-numbers used in the western world, thus in Europe and America


So, yeah. Good luck being backwater economies. You're gonna desperately need to cling to it.

Oh, by the way. "In your opinion" is not a good indicator of objectivity.

I see liberal tears

And how are you going to count them?

I don't count it, i just know that liberals don't like conservatives, and every time they hear a conservative speaking they burst their tears out :p

I didn't, I simply made fun of you.

That's for me the same, because that's what Liberals do


I could rebuke your thought-out arguments, but you have none.

That's your opinion, i see here only liberal tears because a conservative is speaking


And that's your opinion.

I'm speaking the truth, Liberals just can't get into arguments, Conservatives can get into arguments. If a Conservative confronts a Liberal with the truth, they'll cry like babies


First, I'm not crying, second, it's just your opinion.

Okay, you're not crying, good job, but you now don't want a argument anymore with a conservative


That's your opinion, because I want this argument to last as long as it can.

I'm having a lot of fun doing it.

I'm also having fun to argument with a liberal, because liberals don't want to know the truth and are brainwashed


Indeed. I put my brain into my Electrolux for every night, for 90°C and maximum RPM, and it's squeky-clean now.

What did you just say?



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