Zachiatrist #fundie

OMG, I think I understand now!!! If I have a Fork and a Spoon, then naturally evolution must be true because I've also seen a SPORK!!!!! That's amazing evidence.

Evolutionists like to assume all the difficult things away by going "Millions of years!!!" The fact of the matter is that in those 4 populations there has to be a step at some point where parents produce offspring (2 of them mind you) that can not reproduce with their parents (not that they'd want to, but you get the point). This is a new species. Obviously I can breed dogs to have different traits like big ears and long legs etc, but still each can interbreed with other dogs despite their new traits. However at some point there must be a MASSIVE leap where a dog gives birth to non dog, and not only that there needs to be two of these non dogs so they can reproduce with each other.

Also explain how we went from asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction. Good thing the penis and vagina evolved at the same time huh? Man was that lucky!!!!! Oh and not only that, the entire reproductive system behind the scenes has to come in one generation as well otherwise there are no further iterations, no survival of the fittest.

If you want to believe in evolution fine, but don't assume people who don't haven't considered the obvious. Trust me, we've all heard the explanations for evolution, we're not living in caves. It's always made out that we're the ones who don't think and just accept everything we're told when the fact is that we're the ones who have our beliefs constantly challenged and are always forced to think. You're the ones who will accept anything someone with "Scientist" on their resume says.

Sorry if that came off pretty harsh, but do forgive me, I'm a big IDiot after all.



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