The same political problems that plague the USA today previously troubled Italy in the 1920s and Germany in the 1930s. Both of those countries found political solutions. However, time has shown that the solutions were not quite as good as they seemed. Albert Einstein and Neils Bohrs left Germany before it was too late, but six million did not. Do you think the six million sat around saying things like, "That could never happen here!", or "The government would never go THAT far!", or "Thank God we got rid of those Conservatives!". When Obama knocks on YOUR door, where will you be?
With my luck, probably at work. Dammit, I would've wanted to meet him.
Oh, by the by, the same political problems that plague the USA today have plagued the USA at other times in history, not to mention their having plagued most countries at some point in their history. Sometimes the resolution turns out good, other times it turns out not so good. It doesn't mean there's going to be a pattern anywhere.
Of course the same problems plague us as the Weimar Republic. We lost a World War and got it blamed on us, then we had to give hundreds of billions of dollars to Britain, France, and Belgium in reparations, and finally, Belgian and French troops occupy our industrial heartland. Meanwhile we have a weak government with little legitimacy and a lack of a democratic tradition to prop it up. Meanwhile far left and far right wing groups have battles in our streets. Oh yeah, the USA is definitely like Weimar Germany.
Well, here in Italy the "problem" we had was that a far right wing extremist took power through selective murder, extorsion, catholic church support (who were going through towns telling people not to vote for the left wing, otherwise they will burn in hell) and so on and almost killed everyone who did not agree with him, he gave unlimited power to police forces (so there were police man gang raping women and childrens through small towns, torturing and killing them), and everyone was required to be registered to the fascist party,
people who did not register were not given food, work, school, etc... and were not allowed to took place in everyday life through cities and public places and were shoot in random occasion by the police forces
I don't think that this is the situation in your country...
beforce talking about things you don't know, think about it twice...
re: jsonitsac's post
You forgot the bit in which The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, lost billions of Euros, as a result of speculation, causing a global recession...
Are you implying that Pres. Obama wishes to exterminate the Jews?
As for what I'd do if Obama was knocking on my door: I'd be frantically arranging furniture, making sure the draperies are hanging in a pleasing manner, the pictures are straight, etc. and feeling general nervousness at the prospect of such an important and distinguished guest.
@Q2: Sadly, in the US right now, we have the same problem with many of the fundie leaders. Many do tell their base that to vote anything other than Republican is "Un-Christian", implying that they might burn in hell for voting Democrat. Some churches even threatened to ex-communicate or disfellowship church members who voted Democrat.
Oh, and, for the OP, if Obama DID come knocking on your door, no doubt it would be because of information he got without a warrant, through the unconstitutional Patriot Act, which was brought to you by none other than your hero, Dubya, himself.
"When Obama knocks on YOUR door, where will you be?"
He wouldn't be knocking on my door, because I live in the UK, and I doubt he'd divert the whole presidential machine (Air Force One, the Lockheed Galaxy transport planes which take his Marine One helicopter/'The Beast' limousine, advisors/Secret Servicemen escort cars & the 4WD that carries 'The Football') on an important state vist or G8 summit meeting, just to go to an average housing estate to meet an ordinary old left-wing bugger like me.
...but if he did , I'd welcome him into my flat, offer him some tea* and warmly shake him by the hand, saying 'Thank you for getting rid of those Conservatives! You certainly did a bang-up job of comprehensively stuffing Caribou Barbie and the Corpse in the election campaign too. By the way, I trust Michelle, Sasha and Malia are well?'
*- I wouldn't mind in the slightest said Secret Servicemen smashing the cup he'd drank from, as is standard security practice.
"Thank God we got rid of those Conservatives!"
It was the conservatives who nodded to everything Hitler and the Nazis did. It was the communists, socialists and social-democrats who dared to oppose them and who paid the price for it.
Learn to history, would you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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