[explaining why Christians push religion on people]
"Its just because we care for you. We just dont want you to suffer and regret it, because if we explain it to you and make you realize what God wants, you'll better accept yourself and prevent God from sending you to suffer in the after life.
Why are non-christians being so whiny about it? Would you rather not want us to show you the truth and have you burn for an eternity?
Hey dude, we're just trying to help you. Take it or suffer."
You know, I've often fought the urge to have some leaflets made promoting atheism and start handing them out to the manic street preachers I seem to encounter on a weekly basis.
Maybe I should, so they can see the error of their ways and live life for now instead of waiting on a pipe dream . . . .
Following your logic, why not do you accept that Muslims care about us when they knocked down to the ground the Twin Towers?. Moreover, why are you so whiny if there is social security or trade unions?
It's like stalking a person you're romantically interested in. When somebody gives you the brush off repeatedly, he or she is not interested in you. Period. If you really care about them, the first thing is leaving them alone. That's why they're so whiny about, specially if you say "take it or suffer", which is like saying "marry me or I'll kill you"
"prevent God from sending you to suffer in the after life."
Finally, a fundie who admits their god is a sadistic arsehole.
So, essentially what your saying is your god is a megalomaniacal psychotic (love me or I'll have you tortured for eternity) and you're just blindly doing what an ancient, poorly written and arranged, and oft mistranslated text tells you is his bidding? Got it.
No thanks, I'll pass.
Jesus said you are tell people of the Good News, but if they refuse "knock the dust off you sandals and leave". First thing, I suggest you learn about free will and the power of choice. Then maybe we can talk about why the notion of Hell doesn't quite work.
As a rule, I'm cautious about people who use assault & battery as an evangelical tool.
Hey dude, we're just trying to help you. Take it or suffer.
Translation: Take it down the throat, or take it up the ass, bitch!
yes, actually, I'd rather you not show me your truth... Thank you very much anyway for your friendly efforts!
Now, let me show you my truth .... hey, hey, where you going? What you screaming about persecuting christians...? Wait, my truth is phantastic... oh well, I guess I write it in a letter, next time I see you, I'll sure tell you ... oh man! you'll love it... Maybe I just give you a phone call ... It's important that you know, I just CARE about you
Others before me have pretty much said it all.
My thinking is that if your god had made what he wanted obvious in his scriptures, it would be, well... obvious.
In reality we have as many interpretation of this "inerrant truth" as there are believers.
After a lenghty study of these "inerrant truths", I have found them wanting and have rejected them all.
What makes you think I haven't heard your argument already and rejected it?
I'll take suffering.
Now leave me alone.
Uh, I thought you were supposed to show us through example. You know, be a compassionate member of society, actually help those in need, etc., making the non-believers wonder you are such a good person, and desire to imitate your lifestyle. I also thought you weren't supposed to pray on the street corners, where people see you (what do you think of of preaching is?), but instead in your closet. You know, the whole "personal relationship" thing. Evangelizing, by the words of your own savior and his groupies, is to be done through answering other peoples questions, not with unwanted solicitations.
I'm nice to these people as a general rule:
"Dude, I may look "lost" to you, but I figured out when I was real little, that if I really wanted religion, all I'd need to do is go to a church..."
A psychotic boyfriend might say:
"You can choose to stay and love me, or you are free to leave if you want. However, if you leave, I will hunt you down and put a bullet in your head."
This is xtian free will, this is xtian choice, this is the character of the xtian God.
I went to a strict Catholic school and excelled in Religious (which really meant 'catholic') studies even though I was (at the very least) an agnostic at the time. I'm always willing to talk Religion, I enjoy it.
During these informal Religious debates I've usually found it to be the Christians who complain about My attempts to help THEM wake up to reality. There's nothing in the atheist Bible (since you all seem to think there is one) that says, 'Do not listen to or consider opinions which contradict the things you have been taught', in the Christian Bible that's one of the most important points.
So, come on Christians. Quit whining and let me help you.
Would you rather not want us to show you the truth and have you burn for an eternity?
If Hell is filled with self-righteous dipshits like you, then I'll take Hell.
So knowledge is a sin, but so is ignorance? I'll take "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" for $500, Alex.
Please people, this is a serious matter.
Would you really want to spend eternity in a lake of fire with gays,transsexuals, jews,and other miscreants?
Ha, didn't think so.
You don't have to if you come to Jesus and ask him to save you. There is no reason for anyone to spend eternity in hell when salvation is completely free.
Yeah, this is how I used to think to. Then I took a step back, listened to it objectively, and discovered that it's patronizing and insulting.
Would you like to spend an eternity in a lake of fire with Jewish, Transexuals and other miscreants?, yes, because they more compasionate and nicer than you.
Dude... would you like it if people kept shoving their opinion on you over and over again, while threatening you with torture if you don't hold their opinion?
That's what you're doing, fucktard...
Actually, isn't Christianity in that form a terrorist organisation? It is using terror to achieve it's goals.
Guys: it's a troll.
Read the thread; he admits to it later on.
Seriously, we have to be a little more discerning with Public Admin.
Hey, the lake of fire is only in the foyer.
Once you get into Hell proper, the only real problem is, like, losing your traction on all them beer-soaked strippers.
Watch out for Saddam, though. He's a real bitch.
We're not being douches because we hate, but because we love you.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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