Every true Christian has heard the accusation that “Christians just defend the Bible with the Bible” as if that were an evil or a sign of automatic lack of rigorous proof. In reality, it is those who are slaves to non-creating speech that answer the Bible with the more of non-creating speech and continually appeal to the non-creating nature of THEIR speech as evidence of the supposed lack of creation within ALL speech as if their speech was the only speech in total reality. They actually do what they falsely accuse Christians to doing: speak a word which is powerless to create and answer God through us with more of non-creating speech as if it were its own proof of truth simply for being spoken.
Um, you *do* use the Bible to defend/justify the Bible, and that's CIRCULAR LOGIC. What does this have to do with "creating speech" and "non-creating speech", anyway? I mean, your speech certainly isn't "creating" anything but annoyance...
You know, I learned about run-on sentences in 5th grade ...
Oh nevermind, your parents pulled you out and homeschooled you after third, didn't they?
Our refutation is that you support your claims with the exact same claims. We, on the other hand, back our claims with evidence. Your claim seems to be that, because the evidence backs our claims, it must be discounted.
In addition, your statement is worded more confusingly than the Magic: The Gathering Unhinged set card "Ambiguity". The card's text was specifically worded to be confusing.
They say if one million monkeys worked on one one million typewriters for one million years, they will eventually produce Shakespeare.
Following this logic, I am fairly certain this nonsense was created by a single chimpanzee after a couple pints of Daiquiri and select amphetamines, in a single night on morse code.
Did that make any sense at all? Anybody?
Isn't it the "true" Christians who say that it is so 'cause they (or God) say so? We others, the normal Christians, the agnostics and the atheists, we want evidence, tangible proofs, tests that give the same result over and over again, regardles of where or whoever runs the test.
What does "creating-speech" mean? Every speech creates something. Maybe a debate, maybe a fight, maybe sweet love, maybe just irritation or boredom...
Christian Clarity Review
Like fuck is it!
And that's...clarity?
"or a sign of automatic lack of rigorous proof."
The thing about sourcing proof is that you would at least expect 2 separated sources to correlate each other. The Bible is a fictional book and proves nothing.
For a "Clarity Review" this is anything but clear. How many times do you need to use "speech" in one statement?
And if your Bible was true, you should be able to defend it with real world evidence.
What does any of this gibberish mean? Are you trying to defend circular reasoning? You can't use the Bible as evidence for God's existence because the Bible is the original source claiming its existence. You need external sources of evidence.
What is it with these people and their immunity to logic?
What the fuck is non-creating speech?
The funniest part of this post is the website, Christian CLARITY Review. Ha.
Non-creating, non-creating, speech, speech, speech, WHAT?
Apparently, and I could be wrong, Unknown thinks that the words of the Holey Babble come directly from their gawd who created everything by speaking it into existence. Therefore the Holey Babble words are worth more than ordinary words that only describe our reality instead of creating it.
Wow, I speak fundie! Time to go to the ER!
Sounds like this nutjob is basically saying, "FUCK YOUR SHIT, I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG. WHY? BECAUSE I SAID SO."
At least, that's the TL;DR version.
Clown wrote:
"So, creationists can create and answer God but normal people can't? Wow. That makes it... clear."
By "creating speech", he doesn't mean things spoken by Creationists. He means speech that has the power to literally speak things into existence; e.g., when God said "Let there be light," and there was light, God was using "creating speech" to make the light. (The notion comes from the whole "In the beginning there was the Word" drivel from the Gospel according to John.)
He seems to think that the Bible was written via this "creating speech," and that therefore everything else is powerless in comparison. It's "the Bible is true because the Bible says so", but with more pretty-sounding terminology.
That is priceless. I have no idea for sure what he said (I think it boils down to realists don't quote Genesis) but I'm going to get it put onto a T-shirt anyway.
Edit: Just went to the site, it's a four year ramble about non-creating speech.
A sample at random Feb 7 2007 "A very ancient race caught in non-creating speech doesn’t realize it is caught in non-creating speech. It goes along in that speech assuming that it has free will based on the powerlessness of that speech."
Like Sisyphus he keeps rolling that rock.
Every true Muslim has heard the accusation that “Muslims just defend the Qur'an with the Qur'an” as if that were an evil or a sign of automatic lack of rigorous proof. In reality, it is those who are slaves to non-creating speech that answer the Qur'an with the more of non-creating speech and continually appeal to the non-creating nature of THEIR speech as evidence of the supposed lack of creation within ALL speech as if their speech was the only speech in total reality. They actually do what they falsely accuse Muslims to doing: speak a word which is powerless to create and answer Allah through us with more of non-creating speech as if it were its own proof of truth simply for being spoken.
Funny how such an ambiguous statement can be so easily adapted.
Augh. Circular word salad used to defend circular logic, and project accusations of circular logic onto step-by-step expressions of reason. Also, will someone please stop by and pick fragments of my irony meter out of my side? It detonated on scanning the words 'Christian Clarity Review'.
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