I cannot think of a single time where Christians were militant. I can, however, think of many occasions where the Roman church, aka CATHOLIC, has persecuted people, I just cannot think of any CHRISTIAN groups who were militant.
Even ignoring the Catholics, there are plenty of other militant Christians. Look at the christian separatist movements in Idaho/Utah/Etc. Look at the people on FreeConservatives announceing that it's time for more crusades. Look at Jesus Camp (they had the kids with mock guns, IIRC). Stop looking at the inside of your colon, because we don't want any more "facts" that you've pulled from there.
From Wikipedia: "In religion and sociology, a cult is a cohesive group of people (often a relatively small and recently founded religious movement) devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding culture or society considers to be far outside the mainstream. Its separate status may come about either due to its novel belief system, because of its idiosyncratic practices or because it opposes the interests of the mainstream culture. Other non-religious groups may also display cult-like characteristics."
Sounds just like what Bro. Jim Jone-I mean brother Randy is doing. I'm telling you, this is a cult in the making. How much you wanna bet he knocks up a few thirteen year olds before he ends up in jail?
Hoo, boy. Brother Randy must have a great view of the pyramids, what with him being... (yes, I'll say it) in denial. And I've just found out about more militant Christians
Catholic c Christian
(I don't know how well that's going to render, but it's an underlined c, which is the closest I can get to the symbol for "is a subset of").
If you believe Jesus is/was God incarnate, you are a Christian.
Catholics believe Jesus is/was God incarnate.
Therefore, Catholics are Christians.
Is it really that hard to follow?
BTW, I'm a bit surprised to see that no award has been given yet for November.
Makes sense, actually. Give out awards too early, and you'll be kicking yourself later when an even more deserving post comes around.
I still cannot fathom how these people perform the necessary mental gymnastics to think that Catholics aren't Christians. Catholics compiled the Christian Bible; Catholics established the Christian holidays (read: "holy days") Catholics were, apart from the Eastern Orthodox church, the only Christians for about 1,500 years before Martin Luther kicked off the Protestant Reformation!
So what is it with these people? Do they think that Catholicism is just "primitive" Christianity and that their faith is more highly evolved or something? (And if so, why are there still Catholics?!?)
~David D.G.
David, I see a lot of Redact the Fact in fundies .. it's not the dark ages, but the age of faith!; not a country based in freedom of religion, but founded on the xtian bible by xtain men!; not an acient planet but 6,000, or less, years old!; nothing that has happened beyond our lifetimes (in the past) can be verified so the earth and human life is less than 100 years .. or the oldest memory able to be recollected! And now .. no xtian (person or group) has ever been militant and catholics aren't xtians.
The more they say it, the more they believe it; the more they believe it, the more a fact it becomes; the more factual it is, the more we find it in the xtian bibble (along the lines of one day finding it there or having been told it is there).
The logic of it all ... hurts.
Btw .. is there a Redact the Fact award??
WritingIsMyReligion, in fundidom, Catholicism isn't true Christianity, it is a christian heresy, predicted in the bible.
<< WritingIsMyReligion, in fundidom, Catholicism isn't true Christianity, it is a christian heresy, predicted in the bible. >>
McCulloch: Catholicism is a heresy predicted in the Bible, which the Catholics themselves compiled? Man, how DO they contort their minds like that?!?
~David D.G.
How about the persecution of the Mormons?
When tarring & feathering and open lies didn't work, mobs and even the army attempted to wipe everyone out. When that failed, the government - in God's name - tried to legislate the church out of existance. When that started failing, the government basically gave shoot-to-kill orders.
John Calvin in Geneva? He was pretty militant, and extremely repressive.
Ian Paisley in Northern Ireland? The Catholics could abandon any pretense of trying to join the Republic of Ireland, convert en masse to Anglicanism, change the national color to straight orange, and Paisley would still be stirring the pot.
Oliver Cromwell?
Bro. Randy sayeth:
I cannot think... I just cannot think...
If you take out the parts about militance and Catholicism, it makes a lot more sense, unfortunately.
Catholics are Christians. This is a fact. Deal with it.
Of course, if you want examples of non-Catholic Christians persecuting people, I've got that too.
-Genocide of native Americans.
-Genocide of Mormons.
-Abortion clinic bombings
-Who the hell do you think makes up the majority of convicted criminals in prisons?
You athiests are so funny. Sure, some people that claim to be christians have done bad things - but no real christians have committed any atrocities.
Now, athiests are noted for being hyper-violent with unsteady emotions. In fact, if I wasn't on the internet, I wouldn't say these things directly too you because you'd get the government to imprision and torture me. You heard of prison rape? Pure athiesm.
That's the real legacy of athiests - a legacy of unholy brutality.
NLFT - National Liberation Front of Tripura
They're a terrorist organization in India, which has a record of setting off bombs in crowded markets and gunpoint conversions to essentially Baptist Christianity.
Also, there's the small issue of the Apartheid Government of South Africa justifying their behavior with the biblical account of Ham's children's enslavement.
Catholic = Christian
Christian: One who believes in Jesus Christ as savior.
Sorry Randy but your kind must own up to those mistakes, and don't give me bull that protestants would have never done such things.
Catholics = Christians
Protestants = Christians
That was basically all the Christian groups I learned about in school, back when Sweden was still a Christian Protestant Country.
The Protestants veered off somewhere around 1517, after those 95 theses Luther nailed to that church door. He was mostly pissed off that rich dudes could buy their way out of Heaven, and that sermons were done in Latin and not in the local tongue. But, when sermons were done in the local tongue people could get the Literal Word of God stuck on their brains.
Before that it was mostly Hocus Pocus (or "Hoc est corpus meus" (This is my body), but the local peasants didn't hear/understand it correctly).
Please, people. We are dealing with Protestant fundies here and it is no good telling them that Catholics are Christians, any more than that evolution is a fact. They have a different take on reality and it's a total waste of time trying to argue with it. Let's assume that Christian = Protestant fundie and then ask if such people are never militant.
It is in the nature of absolutist ideologies, be they religious or secular, to develop a militant wing, which will use force if conditions call for it: if it is generally true that you don't get violent fundies, that's not because they are especially peace-loving - witness the vehemence of their language towards opponents. They don't even regard tolerance as a virtue. It may be they haven't been sufficiently provoked, or don't have the numbers, or can achieve their objectives by other means. But the most dangerous people in the world are those who know they are right, which is why fundies need to be taken on and sites like this matter.
Though of course I could be wrong about that:)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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