Having children out of wed-lock isn't good for the child. It robs them of the parents God intended for them to have. Also, if you're not married or just living together your child doesn't have a father. Maybe, a biological father, but not a true father, one they could look up to.
Living together is as much of a sin as just having sex. So, any "christian" out there that thinks other wise needs to think again that they are doing the right thing and you are still going to hell.
You, my friend, are a delusional, brainwashed individual. My sympathies that you never had a father that encouraged independent thought.
And what happens if the mother dies at childbirth? Will the kid grow up to be some sort of sinner? Or is everything okay since his/her parents were married during the conception of the kid?
And what about the father of the kid being his grandfather? The bible describes this method (Just look at Lot and his daughters) so it must be the way to go, isn't it?
One, the mother is a parent, then, he´s not privated of his parents, at least one. Second, what is a good father for you?. Marrying is not a certificate of paternity. A lot of married fathers are alcoholics and beat their kids, see for example the Slacks. Second, explain in which sense is just having sex a sin. Explain what is the root of marriage and we´ll talk. Remember that there are arranged marriages, does it qualify it to be "better" than two people living together?
Wait, wait, lemme get this straight.
God intends for a child to have parents a certain way. Having a child out-of-wedlock robs the child of those God-determined parents. So... wait, wait... this is still confusing the fuck out of me... let me see if a concrete example works.
So God wants Bob and Suzie to be parents of baby Bubba. Bob and Suzie have sex but don't get married, and they have baby Bubba... and... didn't God get what he wanted?
I think I figured it out!
If Bob and Suzie have a child Bubba out of wedlock, then Bob isn't really Bubba's father and Suzie isn't really Bubba's mother. In fact they are just two random people who have adopted an orphan, whom they also happened to conceive. However I'm not sure what happens if they never tell Bubba they aren't actually his real parents, but merely his biological foster parents.
No, I'm still confused...
But I'm sure they are all going to Hell! That makes things so much easier. Burn Bubba, burn! Mwahahaha!
Fuck you, asshole.
I'm the accidental bastard child result of a drunken one-night-stand at a bowling alley, yet I couldn't love my parents more, and them me.
God arranges marriages, but can be usurped by bastardry: +1
Disqualification by one action: +1
Making shit up without really having to: +1
Moving the goalposts (definition of father) +1
5, and I don't fancy having children without commitment either. This is just fail.
"Having children out of wed-lock isn't good for the child. It robs them of the parents God intended for them to have."
so if a woman is raped and gets pregnant, not only should she not have an abortion but she should marry her rapist so that the child has the "parents god intended for them to have." At least you follow the entire bible. I suppose this rules out adoption completely too, right? Adoptive parents aren't the ones God intended. Not to mention, God robs children of the parents supposedly wants them to have all the time by killing them.
jacob was married to two sisters and had sons by their maid servants (slaves, who were probably the half sisters of his wives) and it was this kinky little set-up god choose his coosen people from so a few thousand years latter some kid could condemn others to hell for not giving the state and some preacherman a handfull of money before making babies?
What about children abandoned at birth? If you never knew your mother/father why should you be concerned about whether they were married or not? Also, people raised in 'nuclear' families can have a shitty time too. Its not like sexual abuse, alcholism, drugs, violence etc are only for unmarried people. Its the people that make the family, not a ring and a piece of paper. You are full of shit.
~ Rotty
Why would you spend thousands and thousands of dollars to say your married to some person when you can just live with them?
Also, if you're not married or just living together your child doesn't have a father.
Yes they do. My father dosen't need to spend a quarter of a million dollars on a marriage for me to look up to him.
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